
Latest version: v1.35.70

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- `[builder]` All method arguments accept both input and output shapes (reported by potiuk in 209)

Updated packages

- `mypy-boto3-appflow 1.28.15.post1`
- `mypy-boto3-dynamodb 1.28.15.post1`


- `[builder]` `TypedDict` topological sort now always succeeds (fallback to alphabetical sort is still here just in case)
- `[builder]` Fixed infinite loop on `TypedDict` comparison
- `[builder]` `TypedDict` sorting is now consistent and should
- `[types-aiobotocore]` Added `ServiceResource` import to library top level ``



Something weird happened just two weeks ago:
- I revived the project and fixed multiple outstanding issues
- Downloads skyrocketed to 400000 per day!
- We reached 5 million monthly downloads!
- We no longer have any reported bugs to fix :(

Is it good? It depends. However, it was never about numbers. It was always about your feedback.

In this release, I introduced some breaking changes, so you might need to update your `TypeDef`s-related code. Please report any issue issues you encounter, feel free to suggest new features, and even submit Pull Requests. I love Pull Requests!

Keep on keeping on!

Breaking changes
- Some `...TypeDef`s now have a separate `...OutputTypeDef` due to the totality check fix
- Some `...TypeDef`s now have a separate `...ResponseTypeDef` due to the totality check fix
- `...ResponseMetadataTypeDef`s were renamed to `...ResponseTypeDef`

- `[docker]` Rebased Docker image to Python 3.11.4 on Alpine 3.18
- `[builder]` New `botocore` changelog parser
- `[builder]` Support for incremental builds for a `botocore` version range (no CLI support yet)

- `[builder]` `TypedDict` comparison no longer considers different key totality as equal
- `[builder]` Argument alias map is now in line with other patch maps and supports all services
- `[appflow]` Fixed inconsistent typing for input shapes (reported by potiuk in 209)


- `[all]` Output shapes are no longer mark all keys as required if it is not guaranteed (reported by sodul)
- `[docs]` Updated generated readmes
- `[builder]` Fixed error on retrieving PyPI version for a new package


- `[types-aiobotocore]` Updated to `aiobotocore 2.5.2`
- `[types-aioboto3]` Updated to `aioboto3 11.2.0`
- `[dynamodb]` `Table` is no longer inherited from `TableResource` to fix `types-aiobotocore` for `py311` (reported by filipsnastins in 207)
- `[builder]` `` files are no longer generated for aio libs

Updated packages
- `types-aiobotocore-dynamodb 2.5.0.post4`
- `types-aiobotocore-dynamodb 2.5.2.post2`



Hello, fellow pythonistas!

Thank you a lot for your feature requests and bug reports! Since the builder supports all 350 `boto3` services + 350 `aiobotocore` services + 10 `boto3`/`aiobotocore`/`aioboto3` helper packages, it is extremely hard to make sure that everything works as it should and is as backward compatible as possible.

Today I got many reports that I cannot just rename generated `TypeDefs` as I please. Noted! This release provides compatibility with type annotations you used explicitly before while making sure that type annotations do not conflict with each other.

What's next? Well, we are going to get rid of `py37` as soon as `boto3` team drops its support. `types-aiobotocore` became so popular, that I invest some extra time to make it as stable as `boto3-stubs`. And I am also going to switch to the new awesome `Required/NotRequired` syntax for `TypedDicts` as soon as `pydantic` adds full support for it.

The project is still alive after all these years, so write type annotated `boto3` code, report bugs, suggest new features... And, of course, keep on keeping on!

- `[builder]` Output shapes have `OutputTypeDef` postfix if the name clashes with incompatible input `TypeDef`
- `[builder]` Response shapes have` ResponseMetadataTypeDef` postfix if the name clashes with incompatible input `TypeDef`
- `[builder]` Output shapes have `ExtraOutputTypeDef` postfix if the name clashes with incompatible `OutputTypeDef`

- `[builder]` Most of `TypeDef` names should be compatible with pre-`7.14.7` generation (reported by kmurphy4, ecs-jnguyen, YaraslauZhylko)

Updated packages

- `types-aiobotocore-dynamodb 2.5.0.post3`
- `types-aiobotocore-dynamodb 2.5.2.post1`
- `mypy-boto3-cognito-idp 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-connect 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-datasync 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-dms 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-ec2 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-fsx 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-iam 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-mediatailor 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-personalize 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-proton 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-s3 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-sagemaker 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3-secretsmanager 1.28.3.post2`
- `mypy-boto3 1.28.3.post2`
- `boto3-stubs 1.28.3.post2`
- `boto3-stubs-lite 1.28.3.post2`

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