Expand compatibility, improve testing
- Add features for support of Superb
- Add tests for various scenarios
- Fix several bugs for unexpected API responses
- Fix logging/crash loop in MQTT handling
What's Changed
* (feat) Add calculated state of the doors and windows by fursov in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/42
* (chore) Add coverage reporting by Prior99 in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/60
* (bug) Fix charging model to include errors by WebSpider in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/47
* (bug) Fix deserialization of ChargingData by dvx76 in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/61
* (feat) Format CLI output as YAML/JSON by Prior99 in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/59
* (chore) Remove ruff G004 exception by WebSpider in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/50
* (chore) Add basic documentation for coveralls improvement by WebSpider in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/66
* (bug) Add 2 capabilities by WebSpider in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/65
* (bug) Add 'VENTILATION' state by WebSpider in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/67
* (bug) Make "city" field in Address optional by WebSpider in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/64
* (bug) Make Service Partner optional in Info by maartenla in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/62
* (feat) Allow MQTT to be disabled by Prior99 in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/56
* (bug) Fix air-conditioning and charging response processing by fursov in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/73
* (bug) Fix driving range parsing for hybrid cars by fursov in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/70
* (bug) 79 Add 'COOLING' state to AirConditioningState by smiitm in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/80
* (bug) Fix crashloop when failing to parse MQTT events by dvx76 in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/83
* (bug) Support case-insensitive StrEnums by dvx76 in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/81
* (bug) Error handling for trip-statistics in CLI by OBerghmans in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/68
* (bug) Fix missing vehicle type in trip statistics by fursov in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/82
New Contributors
* maartenla made their first contribution in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/62
* smiitm made their first contribution in https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/pull/80
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/skodaconnect/myskoda/compare/v0.6.2...v0.7.0