Key elements of this release
New features
- New module `classes` where all classes are stored.<br>
Logs are now printed in color within the console. Yellow for warnings, red for errors, and blue for information.
New class `matStruct`
- Use this class to personnalize the way the data is saved into `.mat` files. For example, if you want to save the mz values with a custom variable, you can set the new variable's name with :
python = "newName"
- All exported variable's names can now be modified with this class. <u>Note :</u> This does not modify the variable's names inside the `mzData` class, those names will remain the same. This change only applies to exported matlab files. Available properties :
- fileName
- filePath
- metadata
- mz
- intensities
- time
- When you call `saveMatfile` function, specify this class in the function, and the matlab file will be generated according to the names set inside this class.<br>
This class could also be used while loading matlab files with the new `loadMatfile` function. See below for further details.
- New method `loadMatfile` which can loads created mat files and convert them into `mzData` class if their structure is compatible.
- Extended classe's functionnalities to handle personnalized mat files with `matStruct` class.
- New methods `setAttribute`, `getAttribute`, `getAttributesNames`, `clearAttributes` and `deleteAttribute`. Those mathods gives now the possibility to the user to add new fields inside the `mat` file created. All attributes created will be available inside the variable `extra` in Matlab.
- New method `fromDict`, whichs parses a dictionnary into a `mzData` class. Compatible data types : `str` and `dict`.
- Added parameter `oneStruct` to `toDict` function to specify if the data should be saved into one variable or exploded into multiple ones (i.e weather group data in a matlab structure or not).
- Extended classe's functionnalities to handle files with custom structure with `matFile` class.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug when setting `customDirectory` to `True` was preventing `mzDataManager` class from initializing.
- Fixed a bug preventing saving the `.mat` file while using `customDirectory`
- Fixed a bug preventing exported files being named properly.
- Fixed a bug with `mzDataXMLread`. When `mzDataManager` class was initialized without path, the variable inside the `mzData` class `filePath` was not correct.
List of possible error codes
- 3 - Invalid Directory
- 4 - No save directory specified
- 10 - Invalid mzData Directory
- 11 - Incompatible type
- 13 - Can't delete a system attribute
- 14 - Invalid Attribute
- 15 - Invalid dictionnary
- 19 - Invalid data Type
- 20 - mzData structure Incomplete
- Added test files to GitHub repository.
- Updated package's tags in PyPI.
- Removed duplicated Changelog file.
- Improved documentation
Release date : 05/07/2024