- ``save_results_table`` now saves the maximum log likelihood and ML parameters
of the sample.
- Update ``astropy_helpers`` to 1.0.2 and require astropy >= 1.0.2 to ensure
pickleable Tables.
- Internal data is a QTable instead of a dict.
- When multiple input spectra are used, they are now plotted with different
colors and markers.
- Now doing the prefit with a minimizer that allows for relative tolerance
termination: in general prefit will be faster.
- Add ``e_range`` and ``e_npoints`` parameters to ``plot_fit`` to allow
computing the model samples for a wider energy range that the observed
spectrum (or at energies between data sets, such as X-ray and gamma-ray)
- Added ``plot_corner`` as a thin wrapper around ``triangle.corner`` with ML
parameter plotting.