New features include:
By default:
* matching use to use performer full name and scene name, and it still does, but now also attempts first names and scene name power sets to make matches.
* namer logs are optional (the ones written next to files about matching attempts), but now will always be written to scene put in the failed dir.
* using a new logger with better error capturing, if folks request it may provide logging config in the future.
Opt In:
* write .nfo files with image download for performers/ scene poster and background.
* match against sites that do not have a release date provide by the site (in this case tpdb has a scrape date). Since no metadata is available about whether dates are scrape dates or release dates in tpdb, you have to add sites to your namer config for this function to be enabled:
* user can force disable attempts at updating file permissions:
Bug Fixes:
* processing existing files in your watchdir should work on windows.
* cases where a "." is a directory name could break matching when the directory name was used for matching.