napari-aicsimageio is a plugin for napari that utilizes AICSImageIO for image reading. In doing so, this plugin allows the reading of hundreds of different file formats. Most with channel, scale, axis, and metadata extraction.
This release includes some minor admin changes, some bugfixes, and some UX improvements.
The main bugfix is that, before this plugin hands the data to napari to render, we squeeze the proper dimensions out of it. And the UX improvement is to change the layer names for single scene images. For example, single scene images used to be added with `Image :: 0` but will now be added with `FILENAME` to add more clarity to the layers when working with multiple files at once.
Thanks psobolewskiPhD and tlambert03 for your work on these!
What's Changed
* build/use-setuptools-scm-for-versioning by tlambert03 in
* Bugfix: Fix napari-plugin-check version by psobolewskiPhD in
* Bugfix: Check the squeezed data for scale vals by psobolewskiPhD in
* Use filename if single scene & no scene name by psobolewskiPhD in
**Full Changelog**: