What's Changed
* Adding widget to init for workflow access by sviaro in https://github.com/zoccoler/napari-flim-phasor-plotter/pull/42
* Add example workflow by zoccoler in https://github.com/zoccoler/napari-flim-phasor-plotter/pull/44
* Fix dc calculation by zoccoler in https://github.com/zoccoler/napari-flim-phasor-plotter/pull/48
* Patch 0 0 7 by zoccoler in https://github.com/zoccoler/napari-flim-phasor-plotter/pull/53
* Update installation instructions with mamba
* Fix `.tif` reading bug when it does not have `shaped_metadata` property
* Make summed intensity image dimensions smaller so that layer is displayed on top of raw flim data layer
* Make plugin compatible with ncp 0_8_0 by zoccoler in https://github.com/zoccoler/napari-flim-phasor-plotter/pull/58
* Replace `labels_select` by `layer_select` in plotter_widget to match napari-clusters-plotter `0.8.0` changes
* Replace readPTU local function (removed `readPTU_FLIM.py`) with [ptufile](https://pypi.org/project/ptufile/) library for reading `.ptu` files (**`breaking changes`**)
* Remove Python 3.8 support to match `ptufile` library requirements (**`breaking changes`**)
* fix sample data tests to match `ptufile` library shape outputs
* Remove 3D sample_data from being shipped along with package, now it downloads [this](https://github.com/zoccoler/hazelnut_FLIM_z_stack_data/blob/main/hazelnut_FLIM_z_stack.zip) `.zip` file and decompress it to open it when requested
* Add progress bars to console when opening stacks
* Add extra function to read ptu 2d timelapse from single ptu files (`read_single_ptu_file_2d_timelapse`)
* Add lossless compression to zarr conversion
* Patch2 0 0 7 by zoccoler in https://github.com/zoccoler/napari-flim-phasor-plotter/pull/59
* Change synthetic sample data layer names
* Add options to display tau lines on top of the phasor plot (**`new feature`**)
* Save pixel coordinates to table
* Handle `.sdt` files with multiple datasets (open them as different channels, unless they have different shapes, then get only the first array)
* Include metadata when converting to `.zarr` files
* Change phasor layer name and opacity
* Patch 0 1 0 by zoccoler in https://github.com/zoccoler/napari-flim-phasor-plotter/pull/61
* Increase tests coverage
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/zoccoler/napari-flim-phasor-plotter/compare/0.0.6...v0.1.0