The Plotting Modes Update
With this update, we add two new plotting modes and some more options for title and axe customization!
You can select the plotting mode in the options tab. The default plotting mode is Voxel plotting.
ROI plotting
ROI plotting uses an automatically added `Shapes` layer (`ROI selection`) to define one or multiple regions on the current slice. All voxels inside of these are combined (combination modes: mean, median, std, sum, min, max; select in options tab; default: mean) and plotted per ROI and selected layer.
ROI plotting does, due to current limitations on the `napari` viewer, only work on layers without any scale, translate, rotate, or affine information.
If a layer has such parameters a warning for the problematic layer will be sent.</br>
ROI plotting does not work properly in grid mode, as grid mode does not work consistently with `Shapes` layers.
Multi-voxel plotting
Multi-voxel plotting works similarly to the previous voxel plotting, but with a `Points` layer for voxel selection. By adding points to the `Voxel selection` layer the user can select multiple voxels simultaneously to plot and compare them.
Multi-voxel plotting should work in all scenarios.
New options
- Plot title customization
- X-axis label customization
- Y-axis label customization
- Scaling factor for the X-axis
Minor fixes
- Blocked RGB images due to strange behavior (if you would need/like RGB image support write an issue)
- Axis limits now allow float values
- Readme update