* General
* Fixed a bug in the CLI where ``invest getspec --json`` failed on
non-json-serializable objects such as ``pint.Unit``.
* A new directory at `./doc/decision-records` has been created for
"Architecture/Any Decision Records", which will serve as a record of
nontrivial decisions that were made to InVEST and why. This is
intended for reference by our science and software teams, and also by
the community at large when inquiring about a nontrivial change.
* Updated the package installation instructions in the API docs for clarity
and also to highlight the ease of installation through ``conda-forge``.
* ``utils.build_lookup_from_csv`` has been deprecated and its functionality
has been merged into ``utils.read_csv_to_dataframe``
(`1319 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1319>`_),
(`1327 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1327>`_)
* Standardized on keeping the ``execute`` and ``validate`` functions
orthogonal. Now no models call ``validate`` from ``execute``. This
affected AWY, CV, UFRM, Wave Energy, and Wind Energy.
(`1373 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1373>`_)
* Improved the validation message that is returned when not all spatial
inputs overlap (`502 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/502>`_)
* Standardized the name and location of the taskgraph cache directory for
all models. It is now called ``taskgraph_cache`` and located in the top
level of the workspace directory.
(`1230 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1230>`_)
* InVEST is now distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.
* Workbench
* Fixed a bug where sampledata downloads failed silently (and progress bar
became innacurate) if the Workbench did not have write permission to
the download location. https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1070
* The workbench app is now distributed with a valid code signature
(`727 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/727>`_)
* Changing the language setting will now cause the app to relaunch
(`1168 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1168>`_)
* Closing the main window will now close any user's guide windows that are
open. Fixed a bug where the app could not be reopened after closing.
(`1258 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1258>`_)
* Fixed a bug where invalid metadata for a recent run would result
in an uncaught exception.
(`1286 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1286>`_)
* Middle clicking an InVEST model tab was opening a blank window. Now
middle clicking will close that tab as expected.
(`1261 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1261>`_)
* Updated InVEST logo to use new version with registered trademark symbol.
(`InVEST TM and Logo Use Policy
* InVEST is licensed using a permissive open source license. But we have
decided to add back the license and agreement step to the installer to
be upfront and explicit about how InVEST is licensed.
* Coastal Blue Carbon
* Added validation for the transition table, raising a validation error if
unexpected values are encountered.
(`729 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/729>`_)
* Forest Carbon
* The biophysical table is now case-insensitive.
* Fixed a bug in HRA where the model would error when all exposure and
consequence criteria were skipped for a single habitat. The model now
correctly handles this case. https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1250
* Tables in the .xls format are no longer supported. This format was
deprecated by ``pandas``.
(`1271 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1271>`_)
* Fixed a bug where vector inputs could be rasterized onto a grid that is
not exactly aligned with other raster inputs.
(`1312 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1312>`_)
* Dropped support for Excel (.xlsx) files
(`1391 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1391>`_)
* The contents of the output ``cache_dir`` have been consolidated into
* Fixed a bug where results were calculated incorrectly if the runoff proxy
raster (or the DEM or LULC) had no nodata value
(`1005 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1005>`_)
* Pollination
* Several exceptions have been tidied up so that only fieldnames are
printed instead of the python data structures representing the whole
table. https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1283
* RouteDEM
* RouteDEM now allows the user to calculate Strahler Stream Orders, which
will be written to a new vector in the user's workspace. This stream
order vector is dependent on the user's Threshold Flow Accumulation value
and is only available for the D8 routing model.
* RouteDEM now allows the user to create a vector of subwatersheds, which
are written to a new vector in the user's workspace. This vector is
dependent on the calculation of Strahler Stream Orders and is only
available for the D8 routing model. https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/349
* Scenic Quality
* The Scenic Quality model will now raise an error when it encounters a
geometry that is not a simple Point. This is in line with the user's
guide chapter. https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1245
* The Scenic Quality model now supports both uppercase and lowercase
fieldnames. Leading and trailing spaces are now also stripped for the
user's convenience. https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1276
* Fixed an issue with sediment deposition progress logging that was
causing the "percent complete" indicator to not progress linearly.
* The contents of the output ``churn_dir_not_for_humans`` have been
consolidated into ``intermediate_outputs``.
* We implemented two major functional changes to the InVEST LS Factor
that significantly affect most outputs of SDR and will bring the LS
factor output more in line with the outputs of SAGA-GIS's LS Factor.
A discussion of differences between these two implementations can be
viewed at https://github.com/natcap/invest/tree/main/doc/decision-records/ADR-0001-Update-SDR-LS-Factor.md.
The two specific changes implemented are:
* The LS Factor's on-pixel aspect length is now calculated as
``abs(sin(slope)) + abs(cos(slope))``.
* The LS Factor's upstream contributing area is now calculated as
an estimate for the specific catchment area, calculated by
``sqrt(n_pixels_upstream * pixel_area)``.
* Seasonal Water Yield
* Fixed a bug where monthy quickflow nodata pixels were not being passed
on to the total quickflow raster, which could result in negative values
on the edges (`1105 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1105>`_)
* Removed the GDAL cache size limit on this model, which means that, by
default, the model will use up to 5% of installed memory.
* Monthly quick flow nodata values will now be preserved instead of being
set to 0. The old behavior was not well documented and caused some
confusion when nodata pixels did not line up. It's safer not to fill in
unknown data. (`1317 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1317>`_)
* Negative monthly quickflow values will now be set to 0. This is because
very small negative values occasionally result from valid data, but they
should be interpreted as 0.
(`1318 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1318>`_)
* In the monthly quickflow calculation, QF_im will be set to 0 on any pixel
where s_i / a_im > 100. This is done to avoid overflow errors when
calculating edge cases where the result would round down to 0 anyway.
(`1318 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1318>`_)
* The contents of the output ``cache_dir`` have been consolidated into
* Urban Flood Risk
* Fixed a bug where the model incorrectly raised an error if the
biophysical table contained a row of all 0s.
(`1123 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1123>`_)
* The contents of the output ``temp_working_dir_not_for_humans`` have been
consolidated into ``intermediate_files``.
* Biophysical table Workbench validation now warns if there is a missing
curve number value.
(`1346 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1346>`_)
* Urban Nature Access
* Urban nature supply outputs have been renamed to add ``percapita`` to the
* In uniform search radius mode, ``urban_nature_supply.tif`` has been
renamed to ``urban_nature_supply_percapita.tif``.
* When defining search radii by urban nature class,
``urban_nature_supply_lucode_[LUCODE].tif`` has been renamed to
* When defining search radii by population groups,
``urban_nature_supply_to_[POP_GROUP].tif`` has been renamed to
* A new output for "Accessible Urban Nature" is created, indicating the
area of accessible greenspace available to people within the search
radius, weighted by the selected decay function. The outputs vary
slightly depending on the selected execution mode.
* In uniform search radius mode, a single new output is created,
* When defining search radii by urban nature class, one new
output raster is created for each class of urban nature. These files
are named ``accessible_urban_nature_lucode_[LUCODE].tif``.
* When defining search radii for population groups, one new output
raster is created for each population group. These files are named
* Urban nature classes can now be defined to occupy a proportion of a
pixel, such as a park that is semi-developed. This proportion is
provided through user input as a proportion (0-1) in the
``urban_nature`` column of the LULC Attribute Table. A value of ``0``
indicates that there is no urban nature in this class, ``0.333``
indicates that a third of the area of this LULC class is urban nature,
and ``1`` would indicate that the entire LULC class's area is urban
nature. https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1180
* Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, the model would raise
a cryptic ``TypeError`` when creating the summary vector.
* Visitation: Recreation and Tourism
* Fixed a bug where overlapping predictor polygons would be double-counted
in ``polygon_area_coverage`` and ``polygon_percent_coverage``
calculations. (`1310 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1310>`_)
* Changed the calculation of ``point_nearest_distance`` metric to match
the description in the User's Guide. Values are now the distance to the
centroid of the AOI polygon instead of the distance to the nearest
edge of the AOI polygon.
(`1347 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1347>`_)
* Wind Energy
* Updated a misleading error message that is raised when the AOI does
not spatially overlap another input.
(`1054 <https://github.com/natcap/invest/issues/1054>`_)