* Add tab for browsing user's observations
* When an observation is selected, show a summary of basic observation details on main screen
* Display observation count and leaf taxon count on taxon info cards
* Add support for displaying and searching common names in any language supported by iNaturalist.org
* Uses the `locale` setting from settings menu
* The packaged taxon DB only contains english names, but a full version can be downloaded [here](https://github.com/pyinat/naturtag/releases/download/untagged-e757223556c30fa118ba/taxonomy_full.tar.gz)
* Add dialog to prompt for username on first startup
* Split CLI into subcommands:
* `tag`: Main tagging features
* `refresh`: Refresh tags for previously tagged images
* `setup`: install shell completion + taxonomy database
* Add 3 verbosity levels (`nt -v[vv]`)
* Update `nt tag -p` to accept directories and glob patterns
* Add support for alternate XMP sidecar path format, if it already exists
* Support selecting a sidecar file directly (instead of via an associated image file)
* Support selecting any file type with an associated sidecar (e.g., for RAW image files)
* Works with individual paths or glob patterns, but not for directories
* Add support for GPS positional accuracy
* Add support for alternate XMP sidecar path format, if it already exists (`basename.ext.xmp` instead of `basename.xmp`)
* In refresh mode, check for taxonomy changes and update tags with the new taxon (1:1 changes only)
* Update packaged taxonomy db with iNaturalist data from June 2024
* Include data for most commonly observed taxa with PyInstaller packages and platform-specific installers
* Pre-compute ancestor IDs, child IDs, iconic taxon, observation count, and leaf taxon count based
on RG observations from GBIF export
* Preserve photo order when loading observations from db
* When updating taxon record from API, don't overwrite pre-computed stats with null values
* Add menu button to reset database (Tools > Reset database)