
Latest version: v1.9.1

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_Date: 24/10/24_

- MICrONS & H01 interfaces:
- `fetch_neurons` now accepts a `materialization` parameter that determines which materialization version is used for synapse and nucleus queries; defaults to "auto" which means `navis` will try to find a materialization version matching the queried root IDs
- `fetch_neurons` will now also assign soma positions for H01 neurons (see the `.soma_pos` neuron property)
- `CloudVolume.mesh.get_navis` (see [`navis.patch_cloudvolume`][]) now accepts a `process` (default is `False`) parameter that determines whether the NeuroGlancer mesh is processed (deduplication of vertices, etc.); contribute by Forrest Collman

- fixed a bug in [`navis.subset_neuron`][] that caused branch points to not be re-calculated

**Full Changelog**: [v1.9.0...v1.9.1](


_Date: 17/10/24_

This version brings a shiny new interface to the [H01 human cortex]( dataset
and various other quality of life improvements.

- The default for `radius` ([`navis.plot2d`][] and [`navis.plot3d`][]) was changed to `False` (from `"auto"`); this is to make sure that the defaults allow visualizing large numbers of skeletons, i.e. prioritizing performance over beauty

- New interface to the [H01]( dataset (by Jinhan Choi and Jakob Troidl; see the new tutorial for details)

- I/O:
- [`read_nrrd`][navis.read_nrrd], [`read_tiff`][navis.read_tiff] and [`read_mesh`][navis.read_mesh] now use the same backend as e.g. [`read_swc`][navis.read_swc] which enables some niceties such as reading directly from URLs and archives, parallel processing, etc
- all `read_*` functions now have an `error` parameter that can be used to skip errors
- Image data:
- new function: [`navis.thin_voxels`][] can be used to thin images and `VoxelNeurons` to single-pixel width (see also below)
- new `thin` parameter for [`read_nrrd`][navis.read_nrrd], [`read_tiff`][navis.read_tiff]
- [`TreeNeurons`][navis.TreeNeuron]:
- skeletons can now be initialized from a `(vertices, edges)` tuple - see also [`navis.edges2neuron`][]
- new property: `TreeNeuron.vertices` gives read-only to node (vertex) coordinates
- [`VoxelNeurons`][navis.VoxelNeuron]:
- new properties: `VoxelNeuron.nnz` and `VoxelNeuron.density`
- [`navis.drop_fluff`][] and [`navis.neuron2nx`][] now also works with [`Dotprops`][navis.Dotprops]

- setting `navis.config.add_units=True` (default is `False` for the time being) will add units to certain neuron properties such as `.cable_length` to make them human-readable

**Full Changelog**: [v1.8.0...v1.9.0](


_Date: 22/09/24_

This version contains a major internal rework of both [`navis.plot2d`][] and [`navis.plot3d`][] to make them
more consistent and easier to use.

- Plotting: the `synapse_layout` parameter was renamed to `cn_layout` (matching e.g. other parameters such as `cn_colors`)
- Negative views in [`navis.plot2d`][] (e.g. `view=("x", "-z")`) will now invert axes rather than changing the underlying data
- Minimum version of `matplotlib` is now `3.9` (was `3.6`)
- The `plotly` backend is not part of a minimal install anymore (still installed using `navis[all]`)
- The Vispy backend is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release
- Removed `navis.screenshot` - please use the Octarine/Vispy viewer's `.screenshot()` method instead
- [`navis.tortuosity`][] now calculates tortuosity as-is (i.e. without resampling) by default

- Added [Octarine]( as the default backend for plotting from terminal
- New Function: [`navis.ivscc_features`][] computes some basic IVSCC features
- New function: [`navis.graph.skeleton_adjacency_matrix`][] computes the node adjacency for skeletons
- New function: [`navis.graph.simplify_graph`][] simplifies skeleton graphs to only root, branch and leaf nodes while preserving branch length (i.e. weights)
- New [`NeuronList`][navis.NeuronList] method: [`get_neuron_attributes`][navis.NeuronList.get_neuron_attributes] is analagous to `dict.get`
- [`NeuronLists`][navis.NeuronList] now implement the `|` (`__or__`) operator which can be used to get the union of two [`NeuronLists`][navis.NeuronList]
- [`navis.Volume`][] now have an (optional) `.units` property similar to neurons
- `Tree/MeshNeurons` and `Dotprops` now support addition/subtraction (similar to the already existing multiplication and division) to allow offsetting neurons

- Plotting:
- [`navis.plot3d`][]:
- `legendgroup` parameter (plotly backend) now also sets the legend group's title
- new parameters for the plotly backend:
- `legend` (default `True`): determines whether legends is shown
- `legend_orientation` (default `v`): determines whether legend is aranged vertically (`v`) or horizontally (`h`)
- `linestyle` (default `-`): determines line style for skeletons
- default for `radius` is now `"auto"`
- [`navis.plot2d`][]:
- the `view` parameter now also works with `methods` `3d` and `3d_complex`
- the `color_by` and `shade_by` parameters now also work when plotting skeletons with `radius=True`
- new defaults: `radius="auto"`, `alpha=1`, `figsize=None` (use matplotlib defaults)
- new parameters for methods `3d` and `3d_complex`: `mesh_shade=False` and `non_view_axes3d`
- the `scalebar` and `soma` parameters can now also be dictionaries to style (color, width, etc) the scalebar/soma
- the `connectors` parameter can now be used to show specific connector types (e.g. `connectors="pre"`)
- I/O:
- `read_*` functions are now able to read from FTP servers (`ftp://...`)
- the `limit` parameter used in many `read_*` functions can now also be a regex pattern or a `slice`
- New parameter in [`navis.resample_skeleton`][]: use `map_column` to include arbitrary columns in the resampling
- [`navis.prune_twigs`][] and [`navis.morpho.cable_length`][] now accept a `mask` parameter
- General improvements to docs and tutorials

- Memory usage of `Neuron/Lists` is now correctly re-calculated when the neuron is modified
- Various fixes and improvements for the MICrONS interface (`navis.interfaces.microns`)
- [`navis.graph.node_label_sorting`][] now correctly prioritizes total branch length
- [`navis.TreeNeuron.simple`][] now correctly drops soma nodes if they aren't root, branch or leaf points themselves

**Full Changelog**: [v1.7.0...v1.8.0](


_Date: 25/07/24_

- Plotting: dropped the `cluster` parameter in favor of an improved `color_by` logic (see below)

- {{ navis }} now uses `navis-fastcore` if present to dramatically speed up core functions (see updated install instructions)
- New method `navis.NeuronList.add_metadata` to quickly add metadata to neurons

- `navis.find_soma` and `navis.graph.neuron2nx` (used under the hood) are now much faster
- All I/O functions such as `navis.read_swc` now show which file caused an error (if any); original filenames are tracked as `file` property
- `navis.NeuronList` will only search the first 100 neurons for autocompletion to avoid freezing with large lists
- Plotting functions: `color_by` now accepts either a list of labels (one per neuron) or the name of a neuron property
- `navis.subset_neuron` is now faster and more memory efficient when subsetting meshes
- `navis.TreeNeuron.cable_length` is now faster
- Fixed a bug in plotting when using vertex colors
- Fixed the progress bar in `navis.interfaces.neuprint.fetch_mesh_neuron`
- Fixed a bug in `navis.synblast` that caused multiprocessing to fail (pickling issue with `pykdtree`)
- `navis.interfaces.neuprint.fetch_mesh_neuron` will now ignore the `lod` parameter if the data source does not support it instead of breaking
- Fixed a number of deprecation warnings in the codebase

**Full Changelog**: [v1.6.0...v1.7.0](


_Date: 07/04/24_

- Dropped support for Python 3.8, per NEP 29
- `navis.write_swc` no longer supports writing Dotprops to SWC files

- New property `TreeNeuron.surface_area`
- New (experimental) functions `navis.read_parquet` and `navis.write_parquet` store skeletons and dotprops in parquet files (see [here]( for format specs)
- New `navis.read_nml` function to read single NML file
- New `navis.NeuronConnector` class for creating connectivity graphs from groups neurons with consistent connector IDs
- New method for CMTKtransforms: `navis.transforms.CMTKTransform.xform_image`

- Improved performance for adding recordings to `CompartmentModel`
- `navis.heal_skeleton` and `navis.resample_skeleton` are now faster
- Improved logic for splitting NBLASTs across multiple cores
- `navis.xform_brain` now allows specifying multiple intermediate template spaces through the `via` parameter and to ignore spaces through the `avoid` parameter
- I/O functions can now read directly from `.tar` or `.tar.gz` files
- `navis.read_precomputed` now accepts a `limit` parameter similar to `navis.read_swc`

- Fixed interface to InsectBrainDB
- `navis.read_precomputed`:
- now correctly parses the `info` file depending on the source
- reading large files (i.e. meshes) directly from a URL should not break anymore
- Fixed writing vertex properties in `navis.write_precomputed`
- Fixed a bug in `navis.resample_skeleton`
- Fixed an occasional issue when plotting skeletons with radii
- Fixed bug in `navis.subset_neuron` that caused connectors to be dropped when using mask
- Fixed a bug in `navis.despike_skeleton` that caused the `reverse` argument to be ignored
- Fixed two small bugs in `navis.interfaces.neuprint.fetch_mesh_neuron`

**Full Changelog**: [v1.5.0...v1.6.0](


_Date: 27/07/23_

- Dropped support for Python 3.7

- New function: `navis.pop3d` removes the most recently added object from the vispy 3d viewer
- New experimental functions for (pairwise) alignment of neurons using the `pycpd` package: `navis.nblast_align`, `navis.align.align_deform`, `navis.align.align_rigid`, `navis.align.align_pca`, `navis.align.align_pairwise`
- New `NeuronList` method: `navis.NeuronList.set_neuron_attributes`
- New utility functions: `navis.nbl.compress_scores`, `navis.nbl.nblast_prime`

- `navis.xform_brain` now recognizes the target template's units if available
- Improved persistence functions: `navis.persistence_distances`, `navis.persistence_vector`, `navis.persistence_diagram`
- `navis.longest_neurite` and `navis.cell_body_fiber` now also allow removing the longest neurite and CBF, respectively
- `navis.heal_skeleton` now accepts a `mask` parameter that allows restricting where fragments are stitched

- Various other bugfixes

**Full Changelog**: [v1.4.0...v1.5.0](

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