- Add ability to capture validation errors - Update supported python versions - Ensure nbformat minor version is present when upgrading - Only fix cell ID validation issues if asked - Return the notebook when no conversion is needed - Catch AttributeErrors stemming from ipython_genutils as ValidationErrors on read - Don't list pytest-cov as a test dependency - Remove dependency on IPython genutils - Include tests in sdist but not wheel
- Change id generation to be hash based to avoid problematic word combinations - Added tests for python 3.9 - Fixed setup.py build operations to include package data
- Fixed missing file in manifest
- Changes convert.upgrade to upgrade minor 4.x versions to 4.5
- Implemented CellIds from JEP-62 - Fixed a regression introduced when using fastjsonschema, which does not directly support to validate a "reference"/"subschema" - Removed unreachable/unneeded code - Added CI workflow for package release on tag push
- Add optional support for using \[fastjsonschema\]{.title-ref} as the JSON validation library. To enable fast validation, install \[fastjsonschema\]{.title-ref} and set the environment variable \[NBFORMAT_VALIDATOR\]{.title-ref} to the value \[fastjsonschema\]{.title-ref}.