
Latest version: v1.5.1

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See https://github.com/twoolie/NBT/tree/7d289f0cc4cf91197108569ba361cff934ebaf38

* First public release
* Pre-release (not stable yet)

.. _releases:

Releases (information for maintainers of the NBT package)

The aim is to make NBT easily obtainable by all users.

Creating a release

Change the following files::

CONTRIBUTORS.txt (Add new contributors in alphabetic order)
nbt/__init__.py (Change VERSION constant)

Commit the changes, add a tag, and upload the changes::

git add doc/changelog.rst CONTRIBUTORS.txt nbt/__init__.py
git commit -m "Bump version number to x.y.z"
git tag -a version-x.y.z HEAD
git push --tags

Generate and upload the documentation: see :ref:`documentation`.

Create a release at GitHub

* Go to https://github.com/twoolie/NBT/releases
* Click the "Draft a new release" button
* Select the tag, and add a Release title (e.g. NBT-x.y) and release notes. I usually only list the most important changes, and add a link to the Changelog on the wiki for more details.

Create a release at PyPI

Follow the process described at https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/distributing-packages/.

Install requirements::

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install setuptools wheel twine

Create both a source (.tar.gz) and wheel (.whl) distribution::

python setup.py sdist
python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal

Upload all that was created to PyPI::

ls dist/
twine upload dist/*

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