
Latest version: v0.8.3

Safety actively analyzes 685670 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Pull Requests

* [pull/12]( Contributors Guide Test


* [739cad3d]( switch release trigger to published
* [c68e5404]( run all workflows on release
* [ceb5b369]( fix github links
* [b5681abd]( Merge pull request #12 from ktmeaton/dev
* [1d40f9a9]( change ver back to v0.6.6
* [6d99f145]( update links
* [1d939dec]( update pypi workflows
* [6f383e32]( update version numbers with dev suffix
* [1c30f04c]( change version to v0.6.6dev
* [74dffef0]( remove test dir from package
* [89875fa0]( tidy up pull request template
* [ebceb166]( tidy up pull request template
* [c0cc2e2e]( force linters to wait for pre-commit
* [dcf8bf8e]( change flake8 py find file
* [94762f74]( trial yaml lint
* [90e10878]( contributors guide file update
* [6add9ae9]( contributors guide file update
* [f11e68f4]( install notes and project update
* [5a515e4e]( separate install and run for flake8
* [764cbac0]( add back in flake8
* [69d8a7cd]( add back in python linting
* [d96c0d05]( remove python linting
* [4ad65ae9]( remove python linting
* [445c69aa]( remove python linting
* [8f51169c]( just test flake8 install
* [66376349]( temp remove pr hook and test flake8
* [522e1243]( add macos conda install test
* [56b3ec1d]( add macos build workflow
* [2750e066]( use conda setup action
* [36b88dad]( comment out PyPI repo install for now
* [48b15d51]( remove setuptools install
* [d44db942]( MAJOR bug fix for build workflow
* [86c90653]( try to force build workflow with python3
* [d7c1f9f2]( test lint workflow no req
* [9870d239]( update markdownlint-cli to ignore paper dir
* [062928c4]( lint setup
* [c684f97c]( lint bug_report
* [f7a62b57]( new pull request template
* [9cdc4ce6]( more detailed contibute guide
* [0c1fcd16]( more paths to lint
* [12078ef7]( lint conftest
* [4976309a]( lint schema README
* [cd724f9e]( lint config README
* [93035ff7]( update linting workflow
* [aab8b906]( lint conftest max 80
* [3c4f9a8b]( lint conftest max 80
* [7d6217db]( lint test_ncbimeta max 80
* [f8952f59]( lint test_ncbimeta max 80
* [267b401d]( lint test_xml max 80
* [534f3971]( lint test_utilities max 80
* [5cc8065f]( lint test_utilities max 80
* [499c75f3]( lint test_join max 80
* [1dd3536f]( lint test_annotate max 80
* [06938061]( lint test_export max 80
* [c8c67cca]( lint test_errors
* [db12ca1f]( lint NCBImetaAnnotate max 80
* [b8030efb]( lint NCBImetaJoin max 80
* [6b78c19c]( lint NCBImetaJoin max 80
* [49a4e918]( lint NCBImetaErrors max 80
* [8e511183]( lint NCBImetaErrors max 80
* [1c909129]( redo py linting max 80
* [3a912e59]( lint NCBImetaUtilities max 80
* [69abba67]( lint NCBImetaUtilities max 80
* [c635f83f]( lint NCBImetaUtilities max 80
* [f0818fd5]( lint NCBImetaUtilities max 80
* [4997e76f]( lint NCBImetaUtilities max 80
* [d2c2f6d6]( lint NCBImetaExport max 80
* [6cc3f06d]( lint NCBImetaExport max 80
* [8f3f898d]( update badges and requirements
* [54327273]( more informative names for build jobs
* [229fc561]( lint CHANGELOG with line len
* [35a6482a]( update build badge to gh actions
* [64f51457]( simplify workflow names
* [96259597]( simplify workflow names
* [8bf6dbea]( lint CHANGELOG
* [3158f783]( add markdownlint-cli to pre-commit lint
* [863aaf23]( ncbimeta adhere to B950 max 80
* [f6e58b2f]( ignore B950 in conftest
* [a609a1e7]( fix i var in loop
* [212fd6e4]( revert to len 80
* [eb1b9f0f]( revert to len 80
* [a3c2b937]( lint ncbimeta with bugbear
* [abdb2eb5]( lint ncbimeta with bugbear
* [b223578b]( lint ncbimeta with bugbear
* [f60b4258]( lint ncbimeta with bugbear
* [ec29ac9d]( lint ncbimeta with bugbear
* [0e1b5198]( lint ncbimeta
* [a790dd61]( attempte bugbear for flake8
* [3e93d0f4]( more str format for black
* [37beb315]( reformat str to make black happy
* [caf0312c]( lint with new rules
* [15b5e41f]( lint with new rules
* [a7a8e327]( lint with new rules
* [e63ddc95]( lint with new rules
* [048855c4]( lint with new rules
* [f69c9bfd]( lint with new rules
* [9ccea9c9]( fix test module import
* [55da36c0]( lint conftest
* [e41452e7]( test file specific rule exclude
* [cad97a45]( change E501 exclude to conftest
* [294bc50b]( flake8 config in setup.cfg
* [ab237975]( test flake8 ignore conftest
* [4563f59a]( lint test_ncbimeta
* [9fa14aa5]( lint test_ncbimeta
* [b22f4915]( lint test_utilities
* [2be38960]( lint test_utilities
* [082f9156]( lint test_join
* [b5742fd9]( lint test_export
* [7d4f29c1]( lint test_join
* [efa7c750]( lint test_export
* [93cffa9f]( lint test_errors
* [c25df97f]( lint test_errors
* [cde103fe]( fix comment spacing
* [5d574303]( fix comment spacing
* [25ee239a]( lint test_xml
* [000d9060]( lint test_xml
* [810a70cc]( lint test_annotateconcatenate
* [c76738a5]( lint test_annotateconcatenate
* [04dd0992]( lint test_annotatereplace
* [ce0f9e0d]( lint test_annotatereplace
* [a6acbc0a]( lint test_annotatereplace
* [f039442c]( lint NCBImeta
* [489fc1b5]( lint NCBImeta
* [cf980d10]( lint NCBImetaAnnotate
* [2829ebfe]( lint NCBImetaAnnotate
* [8388eb77]( lint NCBImetaAnnotateReplace
* [4ccfc225]( lint NCBImetaExport
* [c2aab367]( lint NCBImetaExport
* [b00abcd0]( add lint checklist for py files
* [cc8243df]( lint NCBImetaJoin
* [7614502d]( lint single quotes
* [3fe54360]( pull request template
* [6d2c1b7b]( remove old dev require file
* [58b0669c]( draft contributors guide
* [6fdf6f2e]( update build comments
* [348dd6df]( linting and dev depend update
* [854a4371]( remove old contributor notes
* [ce36f022]( remove poetry toml
* [db9889b6]( update Lat and Lon for BioSample schema yaml
* [e3259858]( notes on replacing old schema
* [ebaf5eb2]( dev testing toml file
* [e83d45c9]( formatting notes
* [4c9de0a2]( fix line wrap
* [ff0bb82e]( add python file trigger
* [cb07360a]( black and flake8 format
* [1b1454f5]( poetry experiment
* [3f1e9117]( force python 3.7
* [dc9da600]( rename dev requirements
* [323627ea]( basic deploy workflow for pypi
* [b9d387a0]( fix indendation
* [506d2c30]( create deploy.yaml
* [22652e0a]( line endings fix
* [b0729285]( developer dependencies install guide
* [a35875fe]( fix mixed line endings
* [5b32ea92]( pre-commit configuration
* [52e9e799]( remove trailing whitespace and file endings
* [094ff71f]( gh actions and linting
* [1cc59ead]( fix indentation
* [5bdb96ee]( correct lint extension
* [0dc356f9]( restrict paths and add more workflow
* [6a5590c6]( remove codecov command
* [58d10a9c]( update all names
* [e6485616]( path in quotes
* [8abaea04]( linting yaml with markdown
* [d1a446a2]( add workflow to path
* [fce336df]( wildcard paths in quotes
* [e5332c86]( all branches restrict paths
* [ff2e1c62]( restrict paths remove example
* [76d1a77b]( change repo name to action
* [ba746033]( remove version number
* [c2d46a19]( change repo tarball ver
* [906fc27a]( quick start example
* [e5e516c1]( codecov upload
* [01b938f2]( fix indentation
* [c65775fb]( ensure unique names
* [e49c4b11]( formatting and new test
* [49a80089]( rename to build
* [07f4bc79]( add main installation
* [744a0d4c]( use the pip tutorial gh actions
* [d6c38cd1]( sudo for pip installs
* [b31a524c]( try sudo instead
* [3bec2315]( remember to activate
* [d37982a8]( try in conda env
* [eb7ea002]( Try github actions
* [16799dcb]( test out github actions
* [3cc15721]( fix line ending
* [0e901059]( MANIFEST for pypi packaging
* [228c3698]( update v0.6.5 to v0.6.6
* [7f92720f]( minor update
* [77403356]( config for manifest
* [5c4479bf]( document dev dependencies
* [42ba5eac]( ignore fusion table
* [3c9abf3b]( Convert BioProjectTitle to XPath query
* [a150cd64]( SQL Update fix for char escape and security
* [bb52506a]( fix slack PR notification bool
* [e55544e3]( temp pip instructions
* [3a88be83]( pypi install note


Not secure
Pull Requests

* [pull/9]( Add ability to use XPath queries from within the .yaml config


* [ccfabe3a]( Merge branch 'master' into dev
* [4531fdf6]( update dates, ver, community guidelines
* [a455008c]( Move XPath query explanation to README_schema doc
* [b61f931d]( update version number to v0.6.5
* [138cc5f7]( Merge pull request #9 from hellothisisMatt/feature/add-xpath-support
* [a7415066]( Update all other issues template [skip ci]
* [7d375742]( Update feature request template
* [86ccf013]( Update bug report templates
* [66dfb737]( remove branch pr9 from travis testing
* [fd166157]( update unittests to include new values retrieved with advanced Xpath
* [564c18fb]( test implementation and error class when Xpath query is empty and unspecified
* [9b0b11fd]( define an error class for when the Xpath query is empty and unspecified
* [ade807c0]( check if the Xpath query was left empty and unspecified
* [2c5e9a20]( add XPath queries to match the example config
* [35b7b950]( Merge pull request #1 from ktmeaton/pr9
* [659238ae]( update changelog with error classes, run CI
* [c8b6584f]( New error classes that can be raised in adv_xml_search
* [c04e981d]( revise adv_xml_search to check type of result
* [1817705c]( remove outdated test xpath commands
* [a5c2fff6]( fix non-specific BioSampleBioProjectAccession
* [c390ff66]( refine xpath search for attr value
* [84180028]( Enable attribute returns and error checking
* [a9b80573]( enable dev and py9 for CI
* [ddc6a065]( correct NucleotideBioSampleAccession xpath query
* [8f0e2ead]( simplified test example for tip search
* [0a5fb699]( add contrib info
* [bffe8294]( XPATH use, remove nonspecific NucleotideAssemblyAccession
* [16451e7d]( clarify comma separated with space
* [6e972c21]( 2 tests of adv_xml_search starting from root or starting from tip
* [51584860]( xpath param of adv_xml_search as preformatted xml
* [c22c8596]( document the space and comma
* [65353dca]( Merge upstream dev changes into pr9
* [55859648]( Add XPATH Information to config readme
* [56e0b3c5]( Add ability to use full XPath for XML searching
* [3206959a]( new to do fixes
* [62ab0e7c]( SRABioProjectAccession edge cases
* [0cadcec0]( SRABioSampleAccession typo
* [5232f359]( update SRABioProjectAccession
* [24bdfe01]( v0.6.5 init changes
* [cd5efb4d]( update BioSample schema and example for SRABioSampleAccession
* [fb579507]( badge update and rearrange [skip ci]


Not secure

* [33cdca3f]( switch travis back to master only
* [03481fe5]( expand issues section [skip ci]
* [1b94dfeb]( upcoming features section [skip ci]
* [a55df18f]( doc update [skip ci]
* [80889436]( test multi match
* [7e5cabd9]( update nucleotide data
* [575b153c]( switch travis to dev branch
* [9e56cec6]( small progress on nucleotide data
* [a81357e4]( v0.6.4 notes
* [c7dd8faa]( ignore some example and test files
* [d3fa6ccd]( ver update
* [a4a3d9ee]( commit to encode removal
* [d3abba52]( working on nucleotide export
* [300055a7]( encode decode purge
* [cdf506f8]( uncomment encode decode calls
* [33192faf]( SQL parameter and table col check
* [31f92037]( Extra param checking Issue #7
* [585a200a]( table and column name catching
* [5b46aaa0]( SQL parameter complete
* [b11f401b]( sanitize output format again
* [4eca45d9]( sanitize output format
* [69b1f769]( test for table and column name format
* [8104b940]( SQL table name add
* [73af61a4]( before more sql select change
* [e4c17c70]( slack travis-ci integration


Not secure

* [77e6fe17]( enable master branch CI
* [8850b76b]( codecov spacing syntax error
* [523687be]( allow dev CI
* [16a4f56f]( bioconda autobump bot rely
* [4446f94f]( remove bioconda scripts
* [b92681f4]( autobump script update
* [49e4bab7]( hidden script names and autobump script [skip ci]
* [502338b1]( resume full testing
* [a76ff011]( use the bioconda recommended install code [skip ci]
* [052a82c5]( solved mystery of branch bc-tbd [skip ci]
* [324b668e]( automate ver number update [skip ci]
* [41ed42ed]( switch zenodo citation to the all ver DOI [skip ci]
* [c00f4784]( remove unnecessary tag condition
* [2d5dda85]( if statement spacing
* [f139b226]( simplify commit message [skip ci]
* [d6c3c027]( travis tag match v
* [553124d1]( tag check
* [fb349cad]( file format linux
* [086851a2]( executable mode
* [4053814a]( move conda update commands to script
* [23292884]( set branch upstream origin
* [6b3d224f]( add, commit, push recipe
* [20b58f61]( enforce semicolon
* [98609ac1]( split up branch creation and check out
* [c9ac4a55]( no tag enforcement yet
* [03b675ee]( forgotten symbols
* [5d742c2e]( sed replacement check
* [d6268fe0]( src sha256 refine
* [4c11045c]( path and url fix
* [d8fc06b9]( conda var first pass
* [5f6d8ca5]( hide user ref [skip ci]
* [e48c1e67]( remove dir checks
* [87266f3c]( remove comments
* [4e1606b1]( travis-ci test post local verify
* [4554da93]( fix incorrect slug usage
* [a0fa57ee]( show git config
* [664a2aa6]( directory checking
* [3d711f34]( config param fix
* [a1a9fa07]( bioconda update attempt 2
* [dfbd7e38]( bioconda update attempt
* [8f0c064e]( more pwd checks
* [95801e52]( pwd test
* [b6b0856d]( condition testing
* [cb497125]( Document the bioconda repo master branch switch


Not secure
Pull Requests

* [pull/5]( Adding Bioconda as an installation option


* [3f8fac57]( PR and Issue linking
* [4c942075]( branch match ver release name [skip ci]
* [d421128d]( date update v0.6.2 [skip ci]
* [7dc34dd5]( automate pypi deploy [skip ci]
* [e636c6a0]( CI branch on master
* [37aedb52]( Merge branch 'dev'
* [71ab0e87]( merge dev into master
* [3de43a83]( Merge branch 'dev' of into dev
* [7a2a3f3a]( version update
* [a9605de3]( version update [skip ci]
* [2dc59202]( ver update to 0.6.2 [skip ci]
* [92d810d1]( Ouput dir is created instead of raising error [skip ci]
* [bd10fbd7]( remove slash [skip ci]
* [f8200686]( bioconda installation and media as raw links [skip ci]
* [f994d973]( Merge branch 'dev' of into dev
* [f89ccc53]( CI on dev
* [5be403b9]( v0.6.2 bioconda and output dir
* [619e1dba]( v0.6.2 bioconda and output dir
* [c6409285]( Remove the output dir error class [skip ci]
* [a68d17ad]( Make output dir instead of raising error
* [a99a4bf4]( Test if output dir is created [skip ci]
* [c0c1019d]( Merge pull request #5 from druvus/patch-1
* [c3fc9a43]( Paper remove unnecessary reference ncbi website [skip ci]
* [55e8bf7d]( Adding Bioconda as an installation option
* [17d6ba13]( Zenodo citation and badge [skip ci]


Not secure

* [0ab131a5]( update schema doc for new xml parsing [skip ci]
* [680ddb26]( ref and capitalization [skip ci]
* [edaa3b00]( python 3 spacing [skip ci]
* [49132f98]( re-enable master CI
* [fb3a01cf]( aeruginosa text db
* [7dd98044]( aeruginosa paper db
* [c50677f2]( add release names
* [a93d1a11]( Name for upcoming v0.6.1
* [a24a82f6]( release to development
* [32d162ba]( prematurely add v0.6.1 links
* [88d6d0c1]( format and typos
* [5ccd379a]( conceptual rearrange
* [be940044]( Initial commit desc
* [37068fc7]( complicated compare
* [8637310f]( link fix
* [900c6a55]( test commit compare
* [8efd0815]( hyperlink exp
* [3b17a514]( aeruginosa config file
* [fdc4672b]( list format tables
* [4bbeb109]( rename
* [f7f53111]( remove old gif
* [27d1a2de]( biosample gif
* [e5716aa2]( gif larger
* [79b82f1e]( gif rename
* [867775af]( image swap
* [37dd9c90]( gif full path, reformat print
* [107fa144]( State CLI Application
* [69f17655]( specify CLI application
* [8a72fc83]( asciicast
* [7d0a4ccc]( dependency reference to file
* [e2674d74]( JOSS file additions
* [bec9abe9]( update record number
* [08b5e589]( uncomment xml print
* [084f2006]( jpg rename
* [d1bd7ae9]( doc xml printing, disable master ci
* [bd92205b]( doc update API optional [skip ci]
* [2c72df89]( doc update node parse [skip ci]
* [c7a77e46]( new prettyprint func [skip ci]
* [c78b8c25]( update version [skip ci]
* [ec6ebf8f]( edit description [skip ci]
* [daa228b4]( JOSS Paper
* [82b7b4f3]( Reformat headings [skip ci]
* [7cbabc9a]( config file name update [skip ci]
* [9808a6bd]( Clarify and formatting [skip ci]

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