* The NCrystal v3.0.0 release brings both major new features and technical
improvements "under the hood", with around 19.000 lines of code changed
in more than 300 files! The list of specific changes is too long to
document here, but the following bullet points mention a few highlights
as well as a select number of very specific technical details. For a
more detailed and hopefully readable overview, please refer to the
following page in the wiki:
Furthermore, we would like to encourage users to post questions
concerning the new release (or anything else NCrystal related obviously)
to the forum at: https://github.com/mctools/ncrystal/discussions
* Support for multiphase materials. These can be defined in terms of phase
volume-fractions, either in cfg-strings
("phases<0.9*Al_sg225.ncmat&0.1*Be_sg.ncmat>"), in NCMAT data, or a
combination of those. All interfaces and tools have been updated to
properly integrate multiphase materials, in a manner which is believed
to not add complications when working with single-phase materials.
* Framework-level support for Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)
physics. The release includes resources to facilitate future development
of advanced SANS models, and already include a hard-sphere SANS model
(useful both by itself, and as proof-of-concept for other models).
* Material densities can now be easily modified. This can be done by
either specifying a relative scaling,
"Polyethylene_CH2.ncmat;density=0.9x", or an absolute one:
"Polyethylene_CH2.ncmat;density=0.88gcm3" (g/cm^3) or
"Polyethylene_CH2.ncmat;density=0.1perAa3" (atoms/Aa^3).
* Support for quickly setting up unstructured materials with just a
cfg-string and without a data file for such simple materials. For
instance, a He3 gas might be defined via the cfg-string
"freegas::He/0.17kgm3/He_is_He3". This makes it easy to add materials
for which the structure is not deemed important (e.g. in a strong
* The various new features can be combined for quickly settting up
advanced materials. For instance, here is how to define a low-density
polyethylene with enriched B4C pellets, even without a dedicated data
file for B4C:
* Improve documentation of cfg-string parameters, with the code now able
to provide dynamic documentation, which can be accessed either
programatically (with the Python/C/C++ API or by running
ncrystal_inspectfile --doc), or on the new wiki page:
* Introduce for convenience a new cfg-string parameter "comp", which can
be used to easily pick out one or more of the components contributing to
the scattering cross section. For instance, appending ";comp=inelas" to
any cfg-string (i.e. "Al_sg225.ncmat;comp=inelas"), will disable all
components *except* inelastic models.
* Reflection (hkl) planes provided by NCrystal are now grouped according
to the symmetry-equivalency indicated by the space group. This has the
benefit of drastically improving both the initialisation time and memory
usage needed for hkl lists, and additionally makes it easier to use
reflection lists from NCrystal with other software which often depends
on such symmetry groupings. Additionally, ondemand loading for quicker
inspection (e.g. --dump will be almost instantaneous even for the most
complicated crystal structures), and by default only the 10 planes with
largest dspacing is shown.
* Improve and update McStas support:
- Make NCrystal work with both the McStas v2.7 and McStas v3.0 branches.
- Add ncrystal_ncmat2hkl cmd-line utility for converting NCMAT files to
the .laz and .lau files needed by the McStas PowderN and
Single_crystal components (note that this only includes Bragg
diffraction, not inelastic/incoherent/SANS/multiphase physics for
which direct NCrystal usage in the NCrystal_sample component or
McStas-Union system is needed).
- Utilities for better/easier integration between NCrystal and the
McStas-Union system for complex geometries.
* Remove the few optional files which were not copyrighted by the NCrystal
developers, ensuring that the entire NCrystal release now has a single
well-defined license (Apache 2.0). The removed files were used to
support the semi-obsolete .nxs file format, and will still be available
as a separately distributed plugin if really needed.
* Stop supporting Python 3.5. Oldest supported Python version is now
Python 3.6.
* Introduce NCMAT v6 which adds a new optional OTHERPHASES section to the
format, allowing secondary phases to be defined via volume fractions and
* Remove NCMatCfg::isPolyCrystal which used to return the opposite of
isSingleCrystal(). This was obviously misleading for non-crystalline
* Vector::normalise() now does nothing if the squared magnitude is already
within 2 ULP's of unity. This is to avoid repeated calls to this
function from inducing slight changes due to numerical inaccuracies in
the normalisation process.
* Add cyclical dependency detection in NCrystal factories to exit with
clear error instead of deadlocking. This is in particular needed to
handle cyclic dependencies in multiphase materials in which a phase is
wrongly defined by recursively referring back to the top level material.
* Type safe AtomData::captureXS in C++.
* Add utilities for encoding data in JSON format, which for now is used to
enable conversion of MatCfg objects as JSON objects. On the python side
this means that a cfg-string can be decoded into a Python dictionary
using the new decodeCfg function (a new encodeCfg function re-encodes
this into a cfg-string).
* Fix bug where scattering kernels generated on-the-fly from VDOS curves
with vdoslux values less than 3 (the default) were subsequently treated
to the "beta-thickening" procedure introduced in release v2.6.1. This
procedure is now, as intended, only applied to externally provided
kernels, since the on-the-fly generated ones already have an optimised
grid layout.
* ncrystal_inspectfile gets --energy/--liny/--logy/--xrange options to
control more aspects of the generated plots.
* Introduce an alias, nctool, for the ncrystal_inspectfile command (this
is done in anticipation of a future actual renaming of the command).
* Fix misleading ATOMDB examples in NCMAT documentation where cohSL
numbers for Si and Al were a factor of 10 off from realistic numbers,
which might confuse users to think they have to use a unit of 0.1fm
rather than fm for such numbers (github issue 77).