* In NiceCXNetwork class ability to add to User-Agent for calls to NDEx service
`Issue 36 <https://github.com/ndexbio/ndex2-client/issues/36>`_
* Methods in `ndex2/client.py` should raise an NDExError for invalid credentials
`Issue 39 <https://github.com/ndexbio/ndex2-client/issues/39>`_
* Add timeout flag to all web request calls
`Issue 33 <https://github.com/ndexbio/ndex2-client/issues/33>`_
* Update `User-Agent` to reflect actual version of software
`Issue 35 <https://github.com/ndexbio/ndex2-client/issues/35>`_
* `NiceCXNetwork.set_node_attribute()` incorrectly handles duplicate attributes
`Issue 41 <https://github.com/ndexbio/ndex2-client/issues/41>`_
* `NiceCXNetwork.set_node_attribute()` fails if node object passed to it
`Issue 42 <https://github.com/ndexbio/ndex2-client/issues/42>`_
* Passing None to user_agent parameterin `Ndex2()` constructor raises TypeError
`Issue 34 <https://github.com/ndexbio/ndex2-client/issues/34>`_
* `Ndex2()` constructor does not properly handle invalid json from server
`Issue 28 <https://github.com/ndexbio/ndex2-client/issues/28>`_
* Eliminate circular import between ndex2 and ndex2cx/nice_cx_builder.py
`Issue 31 <https://github.com/ndexbio/ndex2-client/issues/31>`_
* Replace print statements with logging calls in `ndex2/client.py`
`Issue 32 <https://github.com/ndexbio/ndex2-client/issues/32>`_