* `tqdm <https://pypi.org/project/tqdm>`__ and `ijson <https://pypi.org/project/ijson>`__ are now required packages
* Added ``--indexlevel, --showcase, --visibility,`` and ``--destnetworkset`` to
**ndexmisctools.py** *copynetwork* command to allow caller to set copied
networks accessibility and to add copied network to a networkset. This command
also stores the original NDEx network UUID in ``__copynewtork_orig_ndex_uuid`` network
* Added new command to **ndexmisctools.py** named *uploadnetwork* that lets caller upload
networks to NDEx
* Added following methods to **ndexutil/ndex.py**:
``get_network_summary(), get_nice_cx_from_server(),
set_index_and_showcase(), save_network_to_ndex()``