Feature changes, and enhancements
- Added conda prerequisites for GUI packages.
- Added `qhub destroy` functionality that tears down the QHub deployment.
- Changed the default repository branch from `master` to `main`.
- Added error message when Terraform parsing fails.
- Added templates for GitHub issues.
Bug fixes
- `qhub deploy -c qhub-config.yaml` no longer prompts unsupported argument for `load_config_file`.
- Minor changes on the Step-by-Step walkthrough on the docs.
- Revamp of README.md to make it concise and highlight Nebari Slurm.
Breaking changes
- Removed the registry for DigitalOcean.
Thank you for your contributions!
> [Brian Larsen](https://github.com/brl0), [Rajat Goyal](https://github.com/RajatGoyal), [Prasun Anand](https://github.com/prasunanand), and
> [Rich Signell](https://github.com/rsignell-usgs) and [Josef Kellndorfer](https://github.com/jkellndorfer) for the insightful discussions.