
Latest version: v1.7.3.5

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* Cleaned up:
degree to radian conversion. Speedup.
Radiation Pattern Code. Easier to read (plenty of work left)
* New Results API allows easy access to simulation results, currently includes the following output
* Antenna Input parameters
* Normalized Receiving Pattern
* Radiation Pattern
* Structure excitation
* Note: The new radiation pattern output will generate phases of complex numbers that are between -180 and +180. For example -195 will appear as +165 degrees.
* Enabled the writing of some data to standard output (-s command line option)
* NEW: Data can be written in comma-separated-value format for easy importing into other plotting programmes.
* Fixed bug in printing STRUCTURE EXCITATION data (the segment number was incorrect)
* Testharness fixes
* Faster benchmark code (similar output values) This is because we are using some dynamic benchmarking of clients in a heterogenous multiprocessing systemm.


* Removed the inclusion of c_geometry.h from nec_context.h. This got rid of some unnecessary dependencies. Also changed nec_context to point to a geometry object (rather than own it).
* Added classes for representation of geometry -- to construct XML geometry descriptions.
* Added enum for excitation type
* New nec_3vector class to simplify vast amounts of code.
* Fixed bug in current excitation (inside etmns). Bug exists also in nec2c. This occurs if the excitation type (excite_type) parameter is EXCITATION_CURRENT.
* Changed the parameters of the rp_card function to explicitly take the XNDA parameters as separate integers. This avoids 0500 being passed in as an octal number!
* Code cleanup in c_geometry::tbf()


* Slight changes to benchmarking output.
* Notes on compilation


* New header files for the libnecpp.h.
* Moved to libtool for library generation.
* Minor code cleanup in c_evlcom (variable renaming and commenting)
* Added endl() to version.


21 January 2005.

* Cleaned up and reworked patch subdivision.
* Fixed a bug in interpolate() caused by not having the precalculated data static. Thanks to Neokolis for pointing this out.
* Cleaned up rom2() and rechecked program flow.


20 January 2005.

* Got LAPACK going. There is generally a 100% speedup. However the LAPACK routines sometimes
produce different answers to the built in LU decomposition routine? Therefore LAPACK LU decompositions is still not included in the default build.
* Fixed up a re-initialization problem in the temporary geometry files.
* Several Improved testharness code.
* Moved temporary geometry into the geometry class. Set this up in the geometry_complete() method.
* Added include <unistd.h> to misc.cpp
* Ignore Radiation Pattern Polarization angles in the testharness where the power level is -999 dB. These have no physical meaning and are often different with LAPACK.

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