- Fix issue (6) with AEMO retiring table BIDDAYOFFER_D. Thanks MattAmos for identifying this. The was fix was done by instead sourcing the price bid data from the xml NEMDE input files published by AEMO. An example has been added to the docs to show Nempy working on data from Jan 2022: https://nempy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html#nempy-performance-on-recent-data-jan-2022
- Fix issue (7) in older data sets from AEMO there was an edge case where no semi scheduled units were providing FCAS and this was causing the input preparation functionality to break. Thanks andrewhn for raising this issue and suggesting a fix (which I've implemented in this release). An example has been added to the docs to show Nempy working on data from Jan 2015, tests haven't been run on any data earlier to this date. https://nempy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples.html#nempy-performance-on-older-data-jan-2015