- Added ``apt_install`` option that can be set in the ``jobs`` section to
``apt install`` any custom ``apt`` requirements for a job. (`14`_)
- Added templates for ``CONTRIBUTING.rst``, ``CONTRIBUTORS.rst``,
``LICENSE.rst``, ``MANIFEST.in``, ``docs/conf.py``, ``setup.cfg``, and
``setup.py`` (`17`_)
- Templates will now be automatically loaded from a ``<repo>/.templates``
directory if it exists. When overriding existing templates, the built-in
templates can be accessed in ``include`` and ``extend`` tags with the
``templates/`` prefix. (`17`_)
- Added ``flake8`` to the static check script. (`17`_)
- Added the ``bones-pr-number`` script to predict the next PR number for a
repository. This helps when writing a changelog entry before a PR has been
made. (`18`_)
- The Python version is now specified by the ``python`` option (instead of
``python_version``), for consistency with ``.travis.yml``. (`14`_)
- All ``nengo-bones`` scripts now start with ``bones-``, to make them easier
to find with autocompletion. ``generate-bones`` is now ``bones-generate``,
and ``check-bones`` is now ``bones-check``. (`18`_)
- Removed ``conda`` from the CI setup; all installations should be done
through ``pip`` instead. (`14`_)
- Removed the ``--template-dir`` option from the ``generate-bones`` script;
use a ``.templates`` directory instead. (`17`_)
- Order of templated dicts should now be deterministic for
all Python versions. (`14`_)
.. _14: https://github.com/nengo/nengo-bones/pull/14
.. _17: https://github.com/nengo/nengo-bones/pull/17
.. _18: https://github.com/nengo/nengo-bones/pull/18