- Printing .egginfo directory removal instructions.
- Updated list of standard svn:ignores.
- Added django gzip middleware to the lizardsite template.
- Added lizard-ui's traceback logging middleware to lizardsite.
- Added lizard-map's map settings to the django settings.py in lizardsite.
- Removed windows apache configuration.
- Added gzip ("mod_deflate") for js/css in the apache config.
- Eternally caching the django-compressor combined js/css files.
- Added logging setup to lizardsite.
- Added 500.html and 404.html to lizardsite template.
- Added openlayers img/ and theme/ aliases to compensate for openlayers'
- Added extra part to the lizardsite buildout for automatic ``bin/django
build_static`` running so we won't ever forget to do that.
- Updated database settings to new django multiple databases style.