
Latest version: v0.1.8

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- Now supports Neo4j 1.8.2 and 1.9.RC1. Older versions are no longer supported.
- Docs have been expanded and moved to Sphinx for hosting by RTD (144).
- In-graph Django user auth is now supported (147).
- RelationshipQuerySet now inherits from neo4django's regular QuerySet. `object.related.all()` can now be safely filtered against, deleted, etc, and supports all methods type-wide queries support (141).
- QuerySet.order_by(), exists(), and count() (140, 60).
- QuerySet aggregation support (Avg, Count...) (53).
- QuerySet.delete() now does the hard work DB-side (79).
- DateTimeProperty and DateTimeTZProperty were merged to handle timezones the Django way (148).
- NodeModels are now pickleable (46).
- Bug fixes - 150 and 151.


- Updated to support Neo4j 1.7.2 & 1.8.M07 (issue 110)
- select_related() performance improvements (issue 125)
- More RelationshipQuerySet functionality (issues 111, 81, 91, 92, 93)
- Better "internal" Cypher support with connection.cypher()
- REST auth support.
- More closely matches existing Django ORM (eg issue 103)
- All sorts of other performance improvements (eg issue 122)
- Bug fixes and stability improvements (issues 129, 67, 86, 62, 84, 127, 14, 88, 107, 56, 61, 66, 54, 51) helped along by integration with Travis CI.


- select_related() and model caching (issue 42)
- Small benchmark suite (issue 22)
- 'contains' field lookup (issue 3)
- Query by node id (id__exact, id__in - issue 28)
- AutoProperty values guaranteed transactional (issue 38)
- Index/query array property members individually (the 'member' field lookup, issue 37)
- in_bulk() object access (issue 31)
- Fixed the objects.all() "AttributeError" foolishness that shows up in interpreters.
- Bug fixes galore.


- Relationships can now target strings as well as model classes.


- Refactored model access to be more like traditional Django. To define models, import `from neo4django.db import models`.
- Added a database router to allow mixing of neo4django/Django ORM in one project.


- Model to model casting. (issue 7)

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