
Latest version: v0.14.1

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* Improve collection performance with JavaScript
* Improve performance when using previously located elements
* Fix bug merging scope when locating nested elements with css locator
* Fix bug with IFrameto_subtype
* Improve performance for nested frames
* Fix bug with nested elements using scopes


* Fix bug that did not re-locate Stale elements when taking an action on them
* Implement Elementcache= to assign otherwise located Selenium Element to Element
* Allow `class` and `class_name` locators to be used at the same time
* Allow `class` locator with empty list value to find all elements without a class attribute
* Fix bug that forced nested elements to wait when calling predicate methods
* Locator filtering behavior and Validate class moved into new Matcher classes
* Selector is built on Element initialization rather than during location
* Allow some nested elements to be located with a single XPath call
* Translate and add p0deje's watir-scroll gem functionality into Nerodia
* Fix bug with obscured for non-interactive elements


* Fixed bug where getting a parent defaulted to an index of `0` (14)
* Add Elementselected_text
* Add Elementclasses
* Add Elementobscured
* Deprecate wait_until_present and wait_until_not_present
* Improved Locator classes to reduce wire calls when using multiple/complex locators


* HTML Element attribute support updated to HTML 5.2
* `wait_until_present` and `wait_until_not_present` now accept custom message arguments
* Fix bug preventing collections from waiting for a parent element
* Fix bug preventing collection elements from being cached
* Add `Elementattribute_list` and `Elementattribute_values`
* Fix bug preventing location of elements based on how XPath deals with default namespaces


* Allow wait methods to wait for values of any attribute
* Allow locating custom elements with adjacent methods
* Support how latest IEDrivers are handling stale elements
* Restore support for using of previously cached elements in collections
* Fix bug preventing clicking option when select list is not displayed
* Allow elements with content-editable attribute to use UserEditable module methods


* Python `3.7` is now supported
* `ElementCollection` now supports negative slicing
* Fixed `ElementCollection` slice for python3
* Deprecated using `present` or `visible` to determine if an element is stale
* New functionality and presets were added to the `Elementflash` method.
* The preset option is now the first argument to the method instead of color, so update accordingly.
* There is an attempt at backwards compatibility but it will be removed soon
* Fix bug preventing text_field from waiting until present
* Fix bug allowing `StaleElementReferenceException` during element location
* Add support for Wait methods to receive closures as message values
* Add support to ignore specific warnings logged by Nerodia
* Deprecate locating elements by ordered parameters
* Changed scope for locator namespacing
* Deprecate current implementation of `visible?`
* Update logic `wait_while_present` and `wait_until_not_present`
* Deprecate `wait_while_present` and `wait_until_not_present` for non-Element classes

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