- client app component to manage application updates - client app price input and item creation bug fixes - client app toast component update and bug fixes - nervatura package unit tests (87%) and bug fixes: service - remove all md5 dependencies
- upgrade dependencies - nervatura package unit tests (80%) and bug fixes: api, nervastore, nervatura - report package unit tests (83%) and bug fixes - user password change bug fixes - app and service packages u. test optimization - nervatura docs update
- app package unit tests (94%) and bug fixes: app, cli, grpc, http - service package unit tests (100%) and bug fixes: admin, cli, grpc, http - Admin UI loader indicator - http Cache-Control header: no-cache, private, max-age=0 - sql driver: mysql hashtable field type bug fixes
- upgrade dependencies - service package u. tests: http, cli - http and cli api bug fixes - create database default values bug fixes - add database version config - http api docs update - hash algorithm replacement: md5 -> sha256 - customer token api restrictions - security fixes (gosec)