[NESTML 4.0](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4740083) contains many fixes, enhancements in user experience, and updates for the newest NEST 3.0 API.
- ``shape`` was renamed to ``kernel``
- Higher-order kernels have to be formulated in a mathematically consistent format: the old ``g'=...``, ``g''=...`` is no longer allowed; the second variable should be renamed to a helper variable, e.g. ``g'=...``, ``h'=...``. Please see [the NESTML language documentation](https://nestml.readthedocs.io/en/v4.0/nestml_language.html) on how to formulate kernels of any order.
- All blocks (``state``, ``update``, ``input``, ``output``) were made optional. This means that any empty blocks that were added just to satisfy the parser, can now be removed.
- Removed ``initial_values`` block; this functionality was already provided by the ``state`` block.
- Parameters and internals (internal, derived parameter values) are no longer recordable for efficiency reasons.
- ``current`` type input and output ports renamed to ``continuous``