Added - PCESA-2309 - Implemented the harmony-service-lib interface so that I can be run in the Harmony ngap account Changed - PCESA-2309 - Updated Jenkins to include building and pushing to ECC_NEXUS
Changed - PCESA-2272 - Updated to use the new SNS Baseworker, Job Service, and Staging Service
Added - Setup process for CMR UMM-S updating when a build takes place. Added a cmr/ folder to hold umm-s.json,, cmr.Dockerfile, and associations.txt related to this process.
Added - Setup process for deploying the netcdf reformatter to SIT using Terraform deployment via Jenkins. In order to accomplish this I setup unique terraform naming conventions for the netcdf converter while maintaining the same terraform config as l2ss. Updated the jenkins logic to allow for SIT deployment testing.