
Latest version: v3.1.1

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Not secure
* Support experimental auto-coding quantization for PyTorch
* Post-training static and dynamic quantization for PyTorch
* Post-training static quantization for IPEX
* Mixed-precision (BF16, INT8, and FP32) for PyTorch

* Refactor quantization utilities for ONNX Runtime

Bug fix
* Fixed model compression orchestration issue caused by PyTorch v1.11
* Fixed GUI issues

Validated Configurations
* Python 3.8
* Centos 8.4
* TensorFlow 2.9
* Intel TensorFlow 2.9
* PyTorch 1.12.0+cpu
* IPEX 1.12.0
* MXNet 1.7.0
* ONNX Runtime 1.11.0


Not secure

* Quantization
* Support new quantization APIs for Intel TensorFlow
* Support FakeQuant (QDQ) quantization format for ITEX
* Improve INT8 quantization recipes for ONNX Runtime

* Mixed Precision
* Enhance mixed precision interface to support BF16 (FP16) mixed with FP32

* Neural Architecture Search
* Support SuperNet-based neural architecture search (DyNAS)

* Sparsity
* Support training for block-wise structured sparsity

* Strategy
* Support operator-type based tuning strategy


* Support light (default) and full binary packages (default package size 0.5MB, full package size 2MB)
* Add experimental accuracy diagnostic feature for INT8 quantization including tensor statistics visualization and fine-grained precision setting
* Add experimental one-click BF16/INT8 low precision enabling & inference optimization, first-ever code-free solution in industry


* Upstream 4 more quantized models (emotion_ferplus, ultraface, arcfase, bidaf) to ONNX Model Zoo
* Upstream 10 quantized Transformers-based models to HuggingFace Model Hub


* Add notebooks for Quantization on Intel DevCloud, Distillation/Sparsity/Quantization for BERT-Mini SST-2, and Neural Architecture Search (DyNAS)
* Add more quantization examples from TensorFlow Model Zoo

Validated Configurations
* Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
* Centos 8.3 & Ubuntu 18.04 & Win10
* TensorFlow 2.7, 2.8, 2.9
* Intel TensorFlow 2.7, 2.8, 2.9
* PyTorch 1.10.0+cpu, 1.11.0+cpu, 1.12.0+cpu
* IPEX 1.10.0, 1.11.0, 1.12.0
* MxNet 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.8.0
* ONNX Runtime 1.9.0, 1.10.0, 1.11.0


Not secure
* Quantization
* Support accuracy-aware AMP (INT8/BF16/FP32) on PyTorch
* Improve post-training quantization (static & dynamic) on PyTorch
* Improve post-training quantization on TensorFlow
* Improve QLinear and QDQ quantization modes on ONNX Runtime
* Improve accuracy-aware AMP (INT8/FP32) on ONNX Runtime

* Pruning
* Improve pruning-once-for-all for NLP models

* Sparsity
* Support experimental sparse kernel for reference examples

* Support model deployment by loading INT8 models directly from HuggingFace model hub
* Improve GUI with optimized model downloading, performance profiling, etc.

* Highlight simple quantization usage with few clicks on ONNX Model Zoo
* Upstream INC quantized models (ResNet101, Tiny YoloV3) to ONNX Model Zoo

* Add Bert-mini distillation + quantization notebook example
* Add DLRM & SSD-ResNet34 quantization examples on IPEX
* Improve BERT structured sparsity training example

Validated Configurations
* Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
* Centos 8.3 & Ubuntu 18.04 & Win10
* TensorFlow 2.6.2, 2.7, 2.8
* Intel TensorFlow 1.15.0 UP3, 2.7, 2.8
* PyTorch 1.8.0+cpu, 1.9.0+cpu, 1.10.0+cpu
* IPEX 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.10.0
* MxNet 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.8.0
* ONNX Runtime 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.10.0


Not secure
* Quantization
* Supported QDQ as experimental quantization format for ONNX Runtime
* Improved FX symbolic tracing for PyTorch
* Supported multi-metrics for quantization tuning
* Knowledge distillation
* Improved distillation algorithm for intermediate layer knowledge transfer
* Productivity
* Improved quantization productivity for ONNX Runtime through GUI
* Improved PyTorch INT8 model save/load methods
* Ecosystem
* Upstreamed INC quantized Yolov3, DenseNet, Mask-Rcnn, Yolov4 models to ONNX Model Zoo
* Became PyTorch ecosystem tool shortly after published PyTorch INC tutorial
* Examples
* Added INC quantized ResNet50 v1.5 and BERT-Large model for IPEX
* Supported dynamic quantization & weight sharing on bare metal reference engine


* Quantization
* Supported the quantization on latest deep learning frameworks
* Supported the quantization for a new model domain (Audio)
* Supported the compatible quantization recipes for framework upgrade
* Pruning & Knowledge distillation
* Supported fine-tuning and quantization using INC & Optimum for “Prune Once for All: Sparse Pre-Trained Language Models” published at ENLSP NeurIPS Workshop 2021
* Structured sparsity
* Proved the sparsity training recipes across multiple model domains (CV, NLP, and Recommendation System)

* Improved INC GUI for easy quantization
* Supported Windows OS conda installation

* Upgraded INC v1.9 into HuggingFace Optimum
* Upsteamed INC quantized mobilenet & faster-rcnn models to ONNX Model Zoo

* Supported quantization on 300 random models
* Added bare-metal examples for Bert-mini and DLRM

Validated Configurations
* Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
* Centos 8.3 & Ubuntu 18.04 & Win10
* TensorFlow 2.6.2, 2.7, 2.8
* Intel TensorFlow 1.15.0 UP3, 2.7, 2.8
* PyTorch 1.8.0+cpu, 1.9.0+cpu, 1.10.0+cpu
* IPEX 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.10.0
* MxNet 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.8.0
* ONNX Runtime 1.8.0, 1.9.0, 1.10.0


  | Channel | Links | Install Command
-- | -- | -- | --
Source | Github | | $ git clone
Binary | Pip | | $ pip install neural-compressor
Binary | Conda | | $ conda install neural-compressor -c conda-forge -c intel

Please feel free to contact, if you get any questions.


Not secure
* Knowledge distillation
* Supported one-shot compression pipelines (knowledge distillation during quantization-aware training) on PyTorch
* Added more distillation examples on TensorFlow and PyTorch

* Quantization
* Supported multi-objective tuning for quantization
* Supported Intel Extension for PyTorch v1.10 version
* Improved quantization-aware training support on PyTorch v1.10

* Pruning
* Added more magnitude pruning examples on TensorFlow

* Reference bara-metal examples
* Supported BF16 optimizations on NLP models
* Added sparse DLRM model (experimental)

* Productivity
* Added Python favorable API (alternative to YAML configuration file)
* Improved user facing APIs more pythonic

* Ecosystem
* Integrated pruning API into HuggingFace Optimum
* Added ssd-mobilenetv1, efficientnet, ssd, fcn_rn50, inception_v1 quantized models to ONNX Model Zoo

Validated Configurations
* Python 3.7 & 3.8 & 3.9
* Centos 8.3 & Ubuntu 18.04
* TensorFlow 2.6.2 & 2.7
* Intel TensorFlow 2.4.0, 2.5.0 and 1.15.0 UP3
* PyTorch 1.8.0+cpu, 1.9.0+cpu, IPEX 1.8.0
* MxNet 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.8.0
* ONNX Runtime 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.8.0


  | Channel | Links | Install Command
-- | -- | -- | --
Source | Github | | $ git clone
Binary | Pip | | $ pip install neural-compressor
Binary | Conda | | $ conda install neural-compressor -c conda-forge -c intel

Please feel free to contact, if you get any questions.

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