- docs: add new examples and better folder sorting
- Merge pull request 18 from marcpinet/docs-better-code-examples
- refactor: tkinter now uses real time refresh
- Merge pull request 19 from marcpinet/refactor-realtime-update-tkinter
- docs: update readme
- Merge pull request 20 from marcpinet/fix-readme
- feat: add progress bar, val_accuracy and time metrics
- feat: add Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Flatten layers
- feat: add cnn example
- refactor: reformat and optimize code to standards
- feat: remove the need of input_shape in hidden layers + auto detection
- test(fix): update tests to match correct paramters
- feat: add __str__ methods
- refactor: simplified example for faster runtime
- feat: update maxpooling autoguess for pool size and strides
- docs: update side note
- fix: from_config for layers
- docs: update README and resources
- docs: update gif
- refactor: changed shape for cnn impl and add comment for simple nn
- docs: update readme details
- ci: bump version to 2.0.0
- Merge pull request 21 from marcpinet/feat-cnn-layers