Many significant changes made to address reviewer concerns and suggested improvements.
- Large updates to docs to adhere to pep8 documentation and fix stray documentation errors.
- Project wide autopep8 formatting with one level of aggression flagged.
- UI rescaling to fit text on Windows and Linux without flowing over the borders and requiring horizontal scrolling.
- Added Sphinx documentation to migrate from pdoc3.
- Added Read the Docs configuration.
- Added printing support for main NeuroChaT data types.
- Version number is now included in the UI.
- Control object reuses loaded files in the main loop if they were previously loaded.
- Set up UI to have a browse button for each of the main loaded file types in NeuroChaT. Namely, spatial files, LFP files, and position files. Also updated the backend code so that analysis could be performed without all file types being present. For example, LFP only needs to be loaded to perform spectrum analysis. The program warns if a needed file is not present.
- Results file name nc_results.xslx has been changed to name based off the file used if possible, and timestamped. If this fails, it reverts back to the old default.
- Added a spike interface sorting loader, which supports any Sorting Extractor, and can save this to NWB format for later use.
- Added option to UI to clear the selected files.
- Added button to UI to append the currently selected files to an excel spreadsheet to facilitate batch analysis.
- Added further options to the UI the control the lfp spectral analysis and place field analysis, and also head direction firing analysis.
- Added support for colorblind friendly perceptually uniform colormaps from the NeuroChaT UI. These have been changed to the default output type.
- Can control number of levels in contour plots from the UI. For example, on place cell analysis.
- Added a legend to polar plots of head direction firing.
- Excel results file in UI is automatically named based on the input files.
- Changed peak head direction calculation to be performed on smoothed data.
- Improved smoothing performance and added Heaviside and half Gaussian smoothing.
- All results methods now return the same number of keys regardless of the output. This was primarily a problem in grid cell analysis.
- Fixed parsing units on spike selection in UI sometimes failing unnecessarily.
- Fix bug with loading time information from Neuralynx incorrectly on certain formats.
- Reading an excel file for a list of files can now support blank cells in the spreadsheet.
- Fixed rare bug with ISI being a float after ceil operation instead of int.
- Fixed bug with outputting the wrong statistics for the head direction firing rate analysis split into Clockwise and CounterClockwise firing.
- Fixed bug with angular velocity information not being correctly loaded after the spatial file changes if angular velocity information was previously loaded.