- Changes to improve and change way fitting is done. Main conceptual difference is to first fit curves with fixed slope, then re-fit all parameters:
- Add ``test_curves.ipynb`` example.
- Add ``init_slope`` to ``HillCurve`` and ``CurveFits``
- Add ``fix_slope_first`` to ``HillCurve`` and ``CurveFits`` and make it True by default.
- Add calculation of coefficient of determination for fits (R2) to quantify how well curve fits data:
- Add ``HillCurve.r2`` attribute.
- Report coefficient of determination as "r2" in ``CurveFits.fitParams`` output.
- Improve exception handling:
- Add ``HillCurveFittingError``, and when fitting fails raise this exception rather than ``RuntimeError`` as was done previously.
- Improve error messages for some exceptions and change a few exception types.
- Add ``allow_reps_unequal_conc`` to ``CurveFits`` to all serum/virus replicates with different concentrations