* Adds a warning if attempting to install the New Relic Lambda Extension on an unsupported runtime 160 * Adds `nodejs14.x` runtime support 160 * `newrelic-lambda layers uninstall` now only removes environment variables it manages instead of `NEW_RELIC_*` 159
* Fixes a `get_linked_account_by_name` AttributeError 154
* Make New Relic Cloud integration linking ID-based instead of name-based 150 * Display IAM role ARN for existing New Relic Cloud integrations 150
* Now displays the status reason for when a CloudFormation change set fails 149
* Fixes AttributeError related to an old reference to role_policy
Adds staging as a valid option for '--nr-region' when configuring the extension, and fetching the license key. This is useful for internal NR customers.