
Latest version: v0.9.0

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- Nothing changed yet.



- Added an experimental feature to update auxiliary tables to support
indexing data that comes from multiple newt records. (More on this
later if initial experiment confirm the usefulness of this



- Changed the way records are written to the ``newt`` table:

- Records are written in object id order.

- Updated are applied using "upserts" so that records don't
disappear during the update process, which previously caused
breakage when PostgreSQL operations during update (triggers or
indexes) examined multiple records.

- Postgres 9.5 or later is now required.



- Fixed: didn't accept an ordinary ZODB connection.

- The methods in that accept a connection now
accept a database object (in addition to a Newt or ZODB connection).



- Add a -x/--transform option to the updater to specify a
data-transformation function.



- Fixed: Newt DB couldn't be added to an existing RelStorage database.

- Removed the updater ``--redo`` option. It was implemented incorrectly.
Implementing it correctly will be necessary at some point, but for
now, we'll punt.

- Added a new ``--compute-missing`` option to compute missing Newt
records after updating an application from plain RelStorage. (This
is similar to the removed ``--redo`` but simpler and narrower in

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