Added - Implement manual sorting of tasks 237 - Allow sharing with circles 995 - Propose categories of all available tasks 998 - Remember last view 989 - Make task input field stick to the top 1027 - Allow to close left sidebar on desktop 965 - Show due time in task body on large screens 992 - Show calendar color in front of calendar name in task list 1013 - Adjust task-body hover and active background-color to new Nextcloud standard 1014 - Use initial state api 987 - Updated translations - Updated dependencies - Code cleanup 990 1015
Fixed - Don't show subscriptions anymore 942 - Fix interpreting RELTYPE=CHILD/SIBLING as parent relation 972 - Don't cut off task title in task body 917 - Don't use deprecated globals 953, 963
Fixed - Don't break the app by subscribed calendars 911
Added - Properly show all tasks matching a collection (including subtasks) 83 431 - Implement pinning a task, works with [OpenTasks]( #695 - Allow to set task status 655 - Save last value of all-day setting and apply to new dates 657 - Load tasks from server if not found locally 608 - Adjust sort-order dropdown style 736 - Navigate to newly created calendar after creation 825 - Allow strike-through and italic in notes field 682 702 - Use new icons for start and due date in details view 865 - Show user avatars for shared lists and in share view 862 - Move task body actions into dropdown 866 - Move to Github actions 844 - Move app-navigation to vue-components 818 - Remove padding on content area for small screens 900 - Updated translations - Updated dependencies - Code cleanup 632 696 698 712 713 721 722 723 843 846 853 868
Fixed - Regression: Don't open detail view when toggling completed state 681 - Prevent editing non-public tasks in lists shared with me 862 - Prevent moving non-public tasks to lists shared with me 902 - Increase size of clickable area to 44x44 px to follow Nextcloud standard 734 735 - Fix color of checked checkboxes in dark mode 679 - Fix error when clicking successful sync status 699 - Prevent adding a sharee twice 782 - Set primary color on default calendar creation 839 - Fix issues with very long task titles 840 - Prevent read-only calendars as default calendar 841 - Hide superfluous scrollbar in task list 842 - Better handle calendars without assigned color 904
Fixed - Minor design fix for checkboxes on Nextcloud 16 605 - Fix scrolling on Android 613
Added - Support for Nextcloud 17 579 - Adjust checkbox design to match overall Nextcloud style 572 - Rework task item layout 598 - Updated translations - Updated dependencies
Fixed - Fix problems with Chrome 77 593 - Don't show raw JSON when adding categories 416 - Only show toggle-all-day checkbox when a date is set 576 - Fix the key in `v-for` for tasks 578 - Slightly reduced the bundlesize 571 - Properly scope instance properties 586 - Use built-in replace functionality for translations 591 - Remove legacy code 600