What's Changed
**This requires `Intents.message_content` to receive content for messages, see [here](https://docs.nextcord.dev/en/latest/intents.html#what-happened-to-my-message-commands) for more info**
* **cogs**: allow setup function to be async by MaskDuck in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/536
* **ui:** Modal _expires_at and View auto_defer by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/555
* **app-cmds:** add `autocomplete_function` as an argument to `SlashOption` by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/544
* **events:** add close event (349) by pmdevita in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/553
* to_file for assets, emojis, and stickers by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/562
* **interactions:** make send return a PartialInteractionMessage by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/573
* **embeds:** set image and thumbnail to not be kwarg forced by RamzziSudip in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/603
* filename and description kwargs in to_file by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/602
* **embeds:** return the Embed from `Embed.clear_fields()` by MaskDuck in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/626
* **embeds:** return Embed from `Embed.remove_field` by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/630
* **interactions:** return message from InteractionResponse.edit_message by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/622
* **member:** add a disconnect helper method by ToasterUwU in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/637
* **app-cmds:** ignore_forbidden kwarg, fix error with app check deco order by alentoghostflame in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/657
Breaking Changes
* **guild:** update bans to use an iterator and pagination by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/564
* remove store channel functionality by H4ckerxx44 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/560
* **app-cmds:** rename classes, support app permissions and localisation by alentoghostflame in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/530
* use discord api v10 by ooliver1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/647
Bug fixes
* removing embeds when editing with files and add `embeds` to `PartialMessage.edit` by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/551
* **messages:** add context_menu_command to is_system by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/561
* **app-cmds:** support leaving out interaction in numpy docstring by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/559
* **app-cmds:** pass default_permission correctly (Closes: 373) by hlieberman in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/383
* fix(member): fix typehint by MaskDuck in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/614
* **app-checks:** remove unused argument from ApplicationCommand and remove unused variable invoke_error by okay1204 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/611
* **channels:** getting guild when no channel type by DenverCoder1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/652
* **iterators:** resolve infinite loop in scheduled event iterators by ooliver1 in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/644
* **iterators:** guild iterator can paginate properly and 200 per page by shiftinv in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/649
New Contributors
* Georgeees made their first contribution in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/554
* pmdevita made their first contribution in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/553
* hlieberman made their first contribution in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/383
* ToasterUwU made their first contribution in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/616
* shiftinv made their first contribution in https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/pull/649
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/nextcord/nextcord/compare/2.0.0a10...2.0.0b1