* [nextdl] Force --restrict-filenames when no locale is set on all python
versions (13027)
* [francetv] Adapt to site redesign (13034)
+ [packtpub] Add support for authentication (12622)
* [drtv] Lower preference for SignLanguage formats (13013, 13016)
+ [cspan] Add support for brightcove live embeds (13028)
* [vrv] Extract DASH formats and subtitles
* [funimation] Fix authentication (13021)
* [adultswim] Fix extraction (8640, 10950, 11042, 12121)
+ Add support for Adobe Pass authentication
+ Add support for live streams
+ Add support for show pages
* [turner] Extract thumbnail, is_live and strip description
+ [nonktube] Add support for (8647, 13024)
+ [nuevo] Pass headers to _extract_nuevo
* [nbc] Improve extraction (12364)