===== - Player and preseason 2014 game updates. - Better error reporting when scraping rosters to help debug nfldb47.
===== - Support hall-of-fame games, and add all HOF games back to 2009. - Player and schedule updates. - Switch nflgame.live back to regular season mode.
===== - Add data from Super Bowl. - Player DB update.
===== - Fixed a bug in nflgame.live where the season phase was being incorrectly determined when the next game was the pro bowl. - Schedule update for Super Bowl.
===== - Player and schedule updates. - Game data for divisional round of 2013 playoffs. - Merge PR 71 that fixes a bug in nflgame-update-players. (The current season phase should only be accessed a call to nflgame.live.current_year_and_week().)
===== - Player DB update. - Fix schedule so that post-season games in Jan/Feb belong to the right season year. (e.g., Games in 01/2014 are in the 2013 season.)