> __Info:__
> some steps of this release were skipped due to a miss-configuration in our build pipeline, please use the v2.27.1 release instead.
New Features
* d8ef04166777bb6ebdfbf9aa1850d81603ddd91f: feat(deps): bump github.com/goreleaser/chglog from 0.4.1 to 0.4.2 (625) (dependabot[bot])
* 004a530b845064b14ea77244e42eeb30e1d79f71: feat(deps): bump github.com/imdario/mergo from 0.3.13 to 0.3.14 (633) (dependabot[bot])
* cab913a228da225ed2de98899566be21d94632dd: feat(deps): bump github.com/klauspost/compress from 1.15.15 to 1.16.0 (626) (dependabot[bot])
* 8fc4217d23d76f6f21271aad19445e2fa3e80f75: feat(deps): bump github.com/klauspost/compress from 1.16.0 to 1.16.3 (632) (dependabot[bot])
* dc08ddab3cf97abfe25057d2c18e9da091dc2692: feat(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 (627) (dependabot[bot])
* 0ac02bf8baf40f4e4abbcf646be9ef992ef2a059: feat(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.4.0 to 0.7.0 (622) (dependabot[bot])
* bc3e6973eab21f58d055633a094466c00c5c4ef7: feat: refactor contents handling and add tree content type (618) (erikgeiser)
* f7aeeb210b5d5487e7c0447912ca67972648a943: feat: upgrade go (624) (caarlos0)
* 745ad27658348663cfee4975cd45dcdf7d9a3b54: feat: wrap pgp errors (630) (caarlos0)
Other work
* b2755c9dc47f0d69fead33ef7489fdb55b630553: fix(GO-2023-1621): update from go 1.20.1 to 1.20.2 (caarlos0)
* 38f9376d59fdbf301a4d401cac4c81043139e5ba: refactor: stricter golangci-lint ruleset (631) (caarlos0)
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/goreleaser/nfpm/compare/v2.26.0...v2.27.0
- Check out [GoReleaser](https://goreleaser.com): it integrates nFPM to the release pipeline of your Go projects.