- **StateBuilder** A number of helper functions to produce common states have been added to statebuilder.
You can use the function `make_neuron_neuroglancer_link` to generate a link with one or more root ids and, optionally, their synapses.
Further, you can use the function `make_synapse_neuroglancer_link` to generate a state from a synapse dataframe.
- **StateBuilder** Linked segmentations and annotation groups now support multiple columns.
For linked segmentations, this adds multiple root ids per annotation.
For groups, each unique combinations of values gets its own group.
- **StateBuilder** and **EasyViewer** Colors for layers or segment ids can now be in RGB tuples with values between 0--1 or CSS3 named colors, not just hex.
- **StateBuilder** When using the `client=` argument, viewer resolution is inferred from the client info and does not need to be passed as an additional argument.
- **StateBuilder** For SegmentationLayerConfigs, adding selection maps via `add_selection_map` is more robust.