- ability to exclude features to speed up loading time - removed pydantic dependency - improved console output on start - lots of bugfixes
Not secure
- allow awaiting javascript code - fix camera movement - introduce `ui.add_static_files` for serving a static folder - fix main file detection for PyCharm
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- introduction of `ui.tree` to display a hierarchy of elements - introduction of `ui.color_picker` - updated dependencies
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- improve behavior of ui.link and ui.open as well as routing of static resources when NiceGUI is served with X-Forwarded-Prefix header
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- introduce `scene.ring`, `scene.tube` and `scene.spotlight` for 3d scenes - allow changing rendered material side for 3d objects - allow hiding 3d objects - introduce `ui.table` using AG Grid - allow chaining `tooltip()` method via builder pattern - allow nesting elements within `ui.link` - bugfixes
Not secure
- README with badges - GitHub ribbon on https://nicegui.io - improved examples and headlines in README