- Support for custom-named build files
- Support for passing args to ``build()`` function (via ``load_lib()``)
- Support for passing only header *source* to ``build_lib()``
- Auto-casting to ``void *`` for arrays and pointer 'inout' args
- ``Sig`` and ``ArgHandler`` system
- ``RetHandler`` system
- Parsing and storing of C-function argnames
- Function signatures in ``LibFunction`` docstrings
- Support for relative-path lookup of headers
- Support for loading low-level bindings without using a package
- ``NiceObject`` subclass definition-based syntax for defining ``NiceObject`` subclasses (makes sense, right?)
- Tests of argname parsing
- Tests of low- and mid-level bindings, using a toy ``.so`` library
- Official support for "hybrid" functions--hand-written functions wrap an autogenerated midlevel binding
- New ``LibMethod`` object which is a bound-method version of a ``LibFunction``
- Use per-module loggers
- Warn on missing env vars in header paths
- Overhauled internals of mid-level bindings system
- ``NiceClassMeta`` to ``NiceObjectMeta``
- Use ``NiceObjectMeta`` as a metaclass for ``NiceObject``
- Dropped TravisCI testing of Py 3.3 in favor of 3.6
- Begin transitioning to ``_``\-surrounded flag names, e.g. ``_prefix`` -> ``_prefix_``, to make them prettier and more official-looking
- Never-completed mock system