Rewrite from scratch.
Breaking changes
* removed support for python2.7 and lower.
* removed support for python3.4 and lower.
For users
the config format completely changed. Read the `docs/` for more.
For developers
Yes, everything changed ... due to a complete rewrite. Read the `docs/dev/` for more.
* publishing to PyPI
* image crawler for "picsum"
* image crawler "dummy"
* documentation in `docs/`
* ``-based packaging support - for `PIP`
* testing support via `pytest` and test coverage report via `coverage`
* code style tests via `flake8`, `mypy` and extensions for those - also added them to `tox`-based automatisation
* `tox`-based automatisation for testing
* CI tests for `tox`-based tests on `py35`, `py36`, `py37`, `py38` - via github actions
* version history file ``
* `` to match current implementation
* web UI to match latest web serve specs rewrote from scratch
* config system - now using `YAML` file format
* core image crawler architecture
* core server
* web server
* command line interface
* reddit crawler
Some image crawlers were removed, so they can be rewritten from scratch.
* image crawler for "giphy"
* image crawler for ""
* image crawler for "pr0gramm"
* image crawler for "4chan"
* image crawler for "9gag"