* update changelog
* read data from stdin or from file (25)
* introduce unittest (7)
* improve documentation and add more examples and fix (8)
* improve contributing
* Update changelog and authors
* Add possibility to begin search string by a point eg: .project
* Improve multiples output functionnality
* make adequation between examples in doc and functionnal tests
* Add yaml and json output format
* remove python 3.3 support
* Feat. Add capacity to choose between quotes or not
* fix pep8 and check pep8 on travis
* [feat] Add capability to get the whole file using "." as object filter
* Minor cosmetics changes
* doc explain how to update niet
* update changelog
* deploy to test.pypi.org on devel
* add some classifiers and change author email
* add badges and improve documentation
* introduce pipenv and pipfile
* add gitignore rules
* introduce tests
* how to contribute to niet
* Introduce code of conduct
* License MIT
* remove changelog from pypi description
* fix bad behavior that still to occur on not found
* fix bad behavior on element not found
* fix documentation examples
* remove tick from list results
* using readme at markdown format on pypi
* First commit