
Latest version: v3.6.0

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- Added new option to force overwrite the version considered by the legacy resolver for testing purposes.
At the moment this is only supported for Datasets and not Sessions.


- Converting and saving old legacy files into the new 0.18 format now works correctly.
- The Ipython representation of the header now ignores fields that throw error.
This fixes an issue that the representation could not be displayed when no timezone was specified.


- Nilspodlib is now timezone aware!
All loading methods for datasets, headers, and sessions now support a `tz` argument that is the string name of a valid
timezone (e.g. `Europe/Berlin`).
This allows access to the local start and end time in the header and a new local datetime index that can also be used
when exporting data to pandas dataframes.

- The `utc_datetime_{start/end}` attributes of the header and the session are now properly reported in utc time instead
of as naive datetime objects.
- The `utc_datetime_counter` is now a pandas series.



- Support for new 0.18.0 firmware, which adds a 16 bit analog channel.
- Legacy support for all firmware versions <0.18.0

Migration Guide

- Because all version <0.18.0 are now legacy, you need to use legacy support manually or `legacy="resolve"`, when
loading files with the firmware versions 0.16 and 0.17


3.0 is the first version that supports imucal 2.0. and has many further changes to calibrations.
Most notatbly, factory calibrations are now applied automatically and regular calibrations are expected to be applied to
the already factory calibrated imu data.
**This means all your old calibrations files are invalid and need to be recreated**.
The NilspodRefCal repo is also updated accordingly.
This means, you need to update it as well.



- The default acc unit of the factory calibration is now m/s^2 and the factory calibration is automatically applied when
loading a file.
- The way the units and columns of a datastream is changed internally.
This should not affect you, unless you manually modified Datastreams before in your code.
- We only support `imucal >= 3.0` starting with this release.



- Removed all factory calibration methods, as the factory calibration is now applied automatically.
- The ability to calibrate just the acc or just the gryo.
Instead, you can only apply calibrations to the entire IMU.
This is due to the removal of the respective functions in `imucal`.
- Removed `cut_to_syncregion` that was deprecated for a while now.


Migration Guide

- The most important migration in this release is that all old calibrations files are invalid.
You need to fully recreate them (or perform surgical unit conversion) of these files.
Ideally, if you still have the raw calibration session and the annotated session list, follow the information in the
calibration guide and `imucals` migration guide to recreate the calibrations in the most up to date format and the
correct from units.
If you don't have the old sessions available, you can try to use the information about the factory calibration to
modify the calibration sessions, so that they work on the factory calibrated instead of the raw data.
However, this is not recommended.
Maybe you are better of just performing a new calibration.

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