- fix & upgrade `logging`
- fix & update dependencies
- add `[plot]` extra
- use [AMYPAD/SPM12](https://github.com/AMYPAD/SPM12) for MATLAB engine & SPM12 support (#6)
Installation/build framework
- drop Python 2 compatibility
- support Python3.6+
+ drop `py<=3.5` which are unsupported by `ninst<-miutil[cuda]<-pynvml` and no longer receive security fixes anyway
- fix `conda` install
- allow non-interactive installation (1)
+ allow setting `PATHTOOLS` from env vars (1)
- new build framework (9, 11, 12)
+ cmake/cuda build overhaul
+ allows `pip install nimpa` on a completely clean system (no `numpy`, no `miutil[cuda]`, no `-e`, no `--no-binary :all:`)
+ replace `dinf` module => `miutil.cuinfo` (7)
+ rely on `numpy`, `miutil[cuda]`, `ninst`, `scikit-build`, `cmake>=3.18`, `ninja`
* all auto-installed at setup-time!
* get rid of `cudasetup.py`
* get rid of `install_tools.py`
* get rid of `resources.py`
+ use new project `LANGUAGES` specification
+ support `python setup.py clean`
- basic code tidy (particularly import ordering)
- update `.gitignore`, `.mailmap`, `README.rst` badges
Last Python2 version