
Latest version: v2.6.3

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- add MGH image file support
- add DICOM header institution extraction
- misc framework updates
- update & simplify installation (25)
+ rename `pydcm2niix` => `dcm2niix` & make optional (
+ make `niftyreg` optional (requires C++/CUDA compiler), fixes #22
+ make `cuvec` & `numcu` optional (requires C++/CUDA compiler) via [`cuvec-base`](
+ update `ninst`
+ drop `PATHTOOLS`, `install_tools`
+ better installation notes
+ cuda option (for `nipet`)


- add `prc.conv_separable(output=None)` & `imsmooth(output_array=None)`
- expose `prc.conv_separable(sync=True)` & `imsmooth(sync=True)`
- add `prc.isub()`
- add `prc.centre_mass_corr()`
- add `regseg.resample_dipy()`
- misc `dcminfo()` extraction & fixes
- use NumCu (
- use CuVec convenience converter functions (
- use external `dcm2niix` package (24 <- 23)
- use `miutil.imio.nii` functions
- fix `img_resample(log)` argument
- fix unused `prc.nlm(output)`
- misc build & test framework updates (21)


- add NLM guided filter (20)
- `improc` separable convolution fixes & updates (17, 19)
+ fix memory leak
+ add separable CPU version
+ decrease verbosity
- generate PSF kernels
- fix `prc` trimming/upsampling bug (17)
- return file path in `imsmooth` (17)
- fix multiarch CUDA support
- improve `sitk` error handling
- add tests
+ `improc` CUDA extension (`conv` & `nlm`)
+ performance tests (`conv` & `nlm`)
- misc build & test framework updates (17)


- add N-dimensional `conv_separable()` GPU (fallback: CPU) function (15)
- use instead of `numpy` arrays (avoids all unnecessary memory copies) (#16)
+ allow arbitrary 3D input dimensions (auto-pad)
+ add tests
+ fix alloc bug (`cuvec>2.1.2`,
- build updates
+ ensure can still build without CUDA
+ cmake: allow linking shared libs for external builds
- framework: misc test & build updates (15, 14, 13)
+ fix cuda compute capability>=3.5 auto-detection
- misc minor metadata updates



- fix & upgrade `logging`
- fix & update dependencies
- add `[plot]` extra
- use [AMYPAD/SPM12]( for MATLAB engine & SPM12 support (#6)

Installation/build framework

- drop Python 2 compatibility
- support Python3.6+
+ drop `py<=3.5` which are unsupported by `ninst<-miutil[cuda]<-pynvml` and no longer receive security fixes anyway
- fix `conda` install
- allow non-interactive installation (1)
+ allow setting `PATHTOOLS` from env vars (1)
- new build framework (9, 11, 12)
+ cmake/cuda build overhaul
+ allows `pip install nimpa` on a completely clean system (no `numpy`, no `miutil[cuda]`, no `-e`, no `--no-binary :all:`)
+ replace `dinf` module => `miutil.cuinfo` (7)
+ rely on `numpy`, `miutil[cuda]`, `ninst`, `scikit-build`, `cmake>=3.18`, `ninja`
* all auto-installed at setup-time!
* get rid of ``
* get rid of ``
* get rid of ``
+ use new project `LANGUAGES` specification
+ support `python clean`
- basic code tidy (particularly import ordering)
- update `.gitignore`, `.mailmap`, `README.rst` badges

Last Python2 version

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