------------------- - Change list model to more efficiently send change events. - Change selection to (optionally) fire changed messages when adjusting indexes.
------------------- - Fix issue with stream calling stale function. - Filtered lists no longer access their container's master items when closing. - Add rotate methods to FloatPoint and FloatSize. - Improve LogTicker. Add support for major and minor ticks. - Fix case of extending selection with no anchor. - Add separate LogTicker class. Renamed old Ticker to LinearTicker. Add base Ticker class. - Add date time to string converter. - Extend PropertyChangedEventStream to optionally take an input stream rather than direct object. - Add added/discarded notifications to Observable for set-like behavior. - Add a pathlib.Path converter. - Improve performance of filtered list models. - Add Registry function to send registry events to existing components. Useful for initialization. - Add geometry rectangle functions for intersect and union. - Add geometry functions to convert from int to float versions.
------------------- - Add various geometry functions; facilitate geometry objects conversions to tuples. - Add Process.close_event_loop for standardized way of closing event loops. - Improve geometry comparisons so handle other being None.
------------------- - Add method to clear TaskQueue. - Make event listeners context manager aware. - Improve stack traceback during events (fire, listen, handler). - Add auto-close (based on weak refs) and tracing (debugging) to Event objects.