Features - add `-x` or `--experimental` flag to command line tool to opt in to the "experimental" polygon splitting method
Fixes - Fix geopandas `FutureWarning` about use of geom_almost_equals
Features - interpolate between two damage curves
Fixes - polygon intersection grid extent width/height was flipped, leading to empty "splits" for polygons which should have intersected the grid
Features - add `PiecewiseLinearDamageCurve` damage curve objects intended to encode commonly-implemented details for direct damage assessment - methods to apply curve to exposure, scale/translate curves - improve polygon-raster intersection speed - update tutorials
Fixes - Ensure series split column is present - avoids an occasional pandas index error - Fix check against raster width and height when calculating indices (>= not >) - Return NaN for out-of-bounds split elements
Features - rewrite python packaging build to use scikit-build-core and drop setuptools
Fixes - fix build/import on Windows (import `shapely.geometry` from within the C++ module only on function call, rather than at import/evaluation time)
Features - revised snail split, process commands - explore wrapping igraph for routing queries
Notes - minimum supported Python version is 3.8 - added pyarrow and python-igraph dependencies