- naming the integrations class
- **test_ocr_table.py**: add enable_socket at tests
- **test_auxiliary.py**: adding test of download again
- **test_ocr_product.py**: add forgeted self]
- removed slow test
- **ocr_table.py**: removing wrong self
- **auxiliary.py**: function identation
- **nkocr.py**: wrong import
- test error
- **test_auxiliary.py**: separating the contents of the auxiliary tests
- **tests**: spliting integration and unit tests
- **tests**: using setUp
- **integration**: add unit main on tests
- **test_auxiliary.py**: changing strings to vars
- **test_ocr_product.py**: pylint recommendation
- **test_auxiliary.py**: pylint recommendations
- **test_ocr_table.py**: pylint recommendations
- **ocr_table.py**: pylint recommendations
- pylint indications
- **ocr_table.py**: making a generic funtion
- separeted horizontal and vertical contours
- reusing download method to url based ocr
- removing wrong class
- **auxiliary.py**: pylint indications
- applying class name convention- ocr_product
- applying class name convention - ocr_table
- downgrade version of gdown