
Latest version: v3.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 683322 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New Features

Newly added the following functions and methods.

Descrete Fourier Transform

* nlcpy.fft.fft()
* nlcpy.fft.ifft()
* nlcpy.fft.fft2()
* nlcpy.fft.ifft2()
* nlcpy.fft.fftn()
* nlcpy.fft.ifftn()
* nlcpy.fft.rfft()
* nlcpy.fft.irfft()
* nlcpy.fft.rfft2()
* nlcpy.fft.irfft2()
* nlcpy.fft.rfftn()
* nlcpy.fft.irfftn()
* nlcpy.fft.hfft()
* nlcpy.fft.ihfft()
* nlcpy.fft.fftfreq()
* nlcpy.fft.rfftfreq()
* nlcpy.fft.fftshift()
* nlcpy.fft.ifftshift()

Linear Algebra

* nlcpy.inner()
* nlcpy.outer()
* nlcpy.linalg.svd()
* nlcpy.linalg.cholesky()
* nlcpy.linalg.qr()
* nlcpy.linalg.eig()
* nlcpy.linalg.eigh()
* nlcpy.linalg.eigvals()
* nlcpy.linalg.eigvalsh()
* nlcpy.linalg.norm()
* nlcpy.linalg.solve()
* nlcpy.linalg.lstsq()
* nlcpy.linalg.inv()
* nlcpy.linalg.LinAlgError()

Array Creation Routines

* nlcpy.meshgrid()
* nlcpy.logspace()

Array Manipulation Routines

* nlcpy.copyto()
* nlcpy.hstack()
* nlcpy.stack()
* nlcpy.vstack()
* nlcpy.append()
* nlcpy.delete()
* nlcpy.insert()
* nlcpy.fromfile()
* nlcpy.loadtxt()
* nlcpy.load()
* nlcpy.flip()
* nlcpy.fliplr()
* nlcpy.flipud()
* nlcpy.repeat()

Statistics Routines

* nlcpy.ptp()
* nlcpy.percentile()
* nlcpy.nanpercentile()
* nlcpy.quantile()
* nlcpy.nanquantile()
* nlcpy.nanmedian()
* nlcpy.correlate()
* nlcpy.histogram()
* nlcpy.histogram2d()
* nlcpy.histogramdd()
* nlcpy.histogram_bin_edges()
* nlcpy.bincount()
* nlcpy.digitize()

Mathematical Functons


Ndarray Methods

* nlcpy.ndarray.ptp()
* nlcpy.ndarray.mean()
* nlcpy.ndarray.var()
* nlcpy.ndarray.std()
* nlcpy.ndarray.conj()
* nlcpy.ndarray.conjugate()
* nlcpy.ndarray.cumsum()

Problem Fixes

Fixed abnormal termination that could occur when a large amount of memory were allocated.



Performance enhancements

* Improved performance of universal functions with multi-dimensional arrays.
* Improved performance of broadcasting operations from a scalar value to an ndarray.
* Improved performance of nlcpy.arccos() and nlcpy.arctanh().
* Improved performance of random number generators by changing the number of threads to be execeted on VE.

Bug fixes

* Fixed a bug in nlcpy.sort() that might cause a freeze of Python interpreter at the end of the program.
* Fixed a bug in nlcpy.matmul() that returned invalid results when input ndarrays (a and b) fulfill any of the following conditions:
- a.flags.c_congituous is False and a.flags.f_contiguous is False
- b.flags.c_congituous is False and b.flags.f_contiguous is False
* Fixed a bug in that might showed negative elapsed time.


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