
Latest version: v3.9.1

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Not secure
* fixed problems with accessing zipped corpora
* improved design and efficiency of grammars and chart parsers
including new bottom-up combine strategy and a redesigned
Earley strategy (Peter Ljunglof)
* fixed bugs in smoothed probability distributions and added
regression tests (Peter Ljunglof)
* improvements to Punkt (Joel Nothman)
* improvements to text classifiers
* simple word-overlap RTE classifier

* A new package of large grammars (Peter Ljunglof)
* A small gazetteer corpus and corpus reader
* Organized example grammars into separate packages
* Childrens' stories added to gutenberg package

Contrib (work in progress):
* fixes and demonstration for named-entity feature extractors in nltk_contrib.coref

* extensive changes throughout, including new chapter 5 on classification
and substantially revised chapter 11 on managing linguistic data


Not secure
* new WordNet corpus reader (contributed by Steven Bethard)
* incorporated dependency parsers into NLTK (was NLTK-Contrib) (contributed by Jason Narad)
* moved nltk/ to nltk/ and incorporated dependency grammars
* improved efficiency of unification algorithm
* various enhancements to the semantics package
* added plot() and tabulate() methods to FreqDist and ConditionalFreqDist
* FreqDist.keys() and list(FreqDist) provide keys reverse-sorted by value,
to avoid the confusion caused by FreqDist.sorted()
* new downloader module to support interactive data download:
run using "python -m nltk.downloader all"
* fixed WordNet bug that caused min_depth() to sometimes give incorrect result
* added nltk.util.Index as a wrapper around defaultdict(list) plus
a functional-style initializer
* fixed bug in Earley chart parser that caused it to break
* added basic TnT tagger nltk.tag.tnt
* new corpus reader for CoNLL dependency format (contributed by Kepa Sarasola and Iker Manterola)
* misc other bugfixes

Contrib (work in progress):
* TIGERSearch implementation by Torsten Marek
* extensions to hole and glue semantics modules by Dan Garrette
* new coreference package by Joseph Frazee
* MapReduce interface by Xinfan Meng

* Corpora are stored in compressed format if this will not compromise speed of access
* Swadesh Corpus of comparative wordlists in 23 languages
* Split grammar collection into separate packages
* New Basque and Spanish grammar samples (contributed by Kepa Sarasola and Iker Manterola)
* Brown Corpus sections now have meaningful names (e.g. 'a' is now 'news')
* Fixed bug that forced users to manually unzip the WordNet corpus
* New dependency-parsed version of Treebank corpus sample
* Added movie script "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" to webtext corpus
* Replaced words corpus data with a much larger list of English words
* New URL for list of available NLTK corpora

* complete rewrite of first three chapters to make the book accessible
to a wider audience
* new chapter on data-intensive language processing
* extensive reworking of most chapters
* Dropped subsection numbering; moved exercises to end of chapters

* created Portfile to support Mac installation


Not secure
* text module with support for concordancing, text generation, plotting
* book module
* Major reworking of the automated theorem proving modules (Dan Garrette)
* draw.dispersion now uses pylab
* draw.concordance GUI tool
* supports for reading corpora and other data files from within zipfiles
* trees can be constructed from strings with Tree(s) (cf Tree.parse(s))

Contrib (work in progress):
* many updates to student projects
- nltk_contrib.agreement (Thomas Lippincott)
- nltk_contrib.coref (Joseph Frazee)
- nltk_contrib.depparser (Jason Narad)
- nltk_contrib.fuf (Petro Verkhogliad)
- nltk_contrib.hadoop (Xinfan Meng)
* clean-ups: deleted stale files; moved some packages to misc

* Cleaned up Gutenberg text corpora
* added Moby Dick; removed redundant copy of Blake songs.
* more tagger models
* renamed to nltk_data to facilitate installation
* stored each corpus as a zip file for quicker installation
and access, and to solve a problem with the Propbank
corpus including a file with an illegal name for MSWindows

* changed filenames to chNN format
* reworked opening chapters (work in progress)

* fixed problem with mac installer that arose when Python binary
couldn't be found
* removed dependency of NLTK on nltk_data so that NLTK code can be
installed before the data


Not secure
- Expanded semantics package for first order logic, linear logic,
glue semantics, DRT, LFG (Dan Garrette)
- new WordSense class in wordnet.synset supporting access to synsets
from sense keys and accessing sense counts (Joel Nothman)
- interface to Mallet's linear chain CRF implementation (nltk.tag.crf)
- misc bugfixes incl Punkt, synsets, maxent
- improved support for chunkers incl flexible chunk corpus reader,
new rule type: ChunkRuleWithContext
- new GUI for pos-tagged concordancing nltk.draw.pos_concordance
- new GUI for developing regexp chunkers nltk.draw.rechunkparser
- added bio_sents() and bio_words() methods to ConllChunkCorpusReader in
to allow reading (word, tag, chunk_typ) tuples off of CoNLL-2000 corpus. Also
modified ConllChunkCorpusView to support these changes.
- feature structures support values with custom unification methods
- new flag on tagged corpus readers to use simplified tagsets
- new package for ngram language modeling with Katz backoff nltk.model
- added classes for single-parented and multi-parented trees that
automatically maintain parent pointers (nltk.tree.ParentedTree and
- new WordNet browser GUI (Jussi Salmela, Paul Bone)
- improved support for lazy sequences
- added generate() method to probability distributions
- more flexible parser for converting bracketed strings to trees
- made fixes to docstrings to improve API documentation

Contrib (work in progress)
- new NLG package, FUF/SURGE (Petro Verkhogliad)
- new dependency parser package (Jason Narad)
- new Coreference package, incl support for
ACE-2, MUC-6 and MUC-7 corpora (Joseph Frazee)
- CCG Parser (Graeme Gange)
- first order resolution theorem prover (Dan Garrette)

- Nnw NPS Chat Corpus and corpus reader (nltk.corpus.nps_chat)
- ConllCorpusReader can now be used to read CoNLL 2004 and 2005 corpora.
- Implemented HMM-based Treebank POS tagger and phrase chunker for
nltk_contrib.coref in Pickled versions of these objects are checked
in in data/taggers and data/chunkers.

- misc corrections in response to feedback from readers


Not secure
- modified WordNet similarity code to use pre-built information content files
- new classifier-based tagger, BNC corpus reader
- improved unicode support for corpus readers
- improved interfaces to Weka, Prover9/Mace4
- new support for using MEGAM and SciPy to train maxent classifiers
- rewrite of Punkt sentence segmenter (Joel Nothman)
- bugfixes for WordNet information content module (Jordan Boyd-Graber)
- code clean-ups throughout

- miscellaneous fixes in response to feedback from readers

- implementation of incremental algorithm for generating
referring expressions (contributed by Margaret Mitchell)
- refactoring WordNet browser (Paul Bone)

- included WordNet information content files


- new theorem-prover and model-checker module nltk.inference,
including interface to Prover9/Mace4 (Dan Garrette, Ewan Klein)
- bugfix in Reuters corpus reader that causes Python
to complain about too many open files
- VerbNet and PropBank corpus readers

- VerbNet Corpus version 2.1: hierarchical, verb lexicon linked to WordNet
- PropBank Corpus: predicate-argument structures, as stand-off annotation of Penn Treebank

- New work on WordNet browser, incorporating a client-server model (Jussi Salmela)

- Mac OS 10.5 distribution

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